Last updated on 2022-08-15 08:49:59 CEST.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 0.0.2 | 19.18 | 269.15 | 288.33 | ERROR | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 0.0.2 | 13.08 | 209.88 | 222.96 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 0.0.2 | 342.95 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 0.0.2 | 356.85 | OK | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 26.00 | 304.00 | 330.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 15.29 | 262.22 | 277.51 | OK | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 10.81 | 262.97 | 273.78 | OK | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 0.0.2 | 97.00 | OK | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 123.00 | OK | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 33.00 | 310.00 | 343.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 0.0.2 | 80.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 124.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 | 0.0.2 | 35.00 | 323.00 | 358.00 | OK |
Version: 0.0.2
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in 'linea-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: gt_f
> ### Title: apply_normalisation
> ### Aliases: gt_f
> ### ** Examples
> data = read_xcsv("") %>%
+ gt_f(kw = 'covid') %>%
+ gt_f(kw = 'bitcoin')
Rows: 261 Columns: 8
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
dbl (7): ecommerce, black.friday, christmas, covid, online_media, offline_m...
date (1): date
i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Error in interest_over_time(widget, comparison_item, tz) :
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:429
Calls: %>% ... as.Date -> pull -> gt_f -> gtrends -> interest_over_time
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang
Version: 0.0.2
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running 'testthat.R' [150s/178s]
Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
Complete output:
> # libs ####
> library(testthat)
> library(linea)
Attaching package: 'linea'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
> library(dplyr)
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following object is masked from 'package:linea':
The following object is masked from 'package:testthat':
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
> library(tidyr)
Attaching package: 'tidyr'
The following object is masked from 'package:testthat':
> # test_check("linea")
> # set up ####
> ### NOT POOLED ----
> # import data
> data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "") %>%
+ check_ts(verbose = FALSE,
+ allow_non_num = TRUE,
+ date_col = "date") %>%
+ get_seasonality(verbose = FALSE,
+ date_col_name = "date",
+ date_type = "weekly starting")
Rows: 261 Columns: 8
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
dbl (7): ecommerce, black.friday, christmas, covid, online_media, offline_m...
date (1): date
i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
> # vars
> dv = "ecommerce"
> ivs = c("black.friday", "christmas", "covid")
> id_var = "date"
> # model table
> model_table = build_model_table(ivs)
> model_table$dec[1] = '0.5'
> # category
> category = tibble(
+ variable = c("christmas" , "christmas"),
+ category = c("a", "a"),
+ calc = c("", "")
+ )
> # run model
> model = run_model(
+ verbose = FALSE,
+ data = data,
+ dv = dv,
+ model_table = model_table,
+ normalise_by_pool = FALSE
+ )
> ### POOLED ----
> # import data
> pooled_data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "") %>%
+ check_ts(verbose = FALSE,
+ allow_non_num = TRUE,
+ date_col = "Week") %>%
+ get_seasonality(verbose = FALSE,
+ date_col_name = "Week",
+ date_type = "weekly starting")
Rows: 783 Columns: 6
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): country
dbl (4): christmas, amazon, rakhi, diwali
date (1): Week
i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
> # meta data
> pooled_meta_data = tibble(
+ variable = c("amazon", "rakhi", "country", "Week"),
+ meta = c("STA", "STA", "POOL", "ID")
+ )
> # vars
> pooled_dv = "amazon"
> pooled_ivs = c("rakhi", "christmas", "diwali")
> pooled_id_var = "Week"
> # model table
> pooled_model_table = build_model_table(c(pooled_ivs, "", ""))
> # category
> pooled_category = tibble(
+ variable = c("rakhi" , "christmas"),
+ category = c("a", "a"),
+ calc = c("", "")
+ )
> # run model
> pooled_model = run_model(
+ verbose = FALSE,
+ data = pooled_data,
+ dv = pooled_dv,
+ meta_data = pooled_meta_data,
+ model_table = pooled_model_table,
+ normalise_by_pool = TRUE
+ )
> # tests ####
> ### read data ####
> test_that('read data',{
+ data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "")%>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that('read data - pooled',{
+ pooled_data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "")%>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that('read data - pooled ts',{
+ pooled_data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "")%>%
+ check_ts(date_col = 'Week') %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> ### seasonality ####
> test_that('seasonality',{
+ pooled_data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "")%>%
+ check_ts(date_col = 'date') %>%
+ get_seasonality(date_col_name = 'date',
+ date_type = 'weekly starting') %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that('seasonality - pooled',{
+ pooled_data = read_xcsv(verbose = FALSE,
+ file = "")%>%
+ check_ts(date_col = 'Week') %>%
+ get_seasonality(date_col_name = 'Week',
+ pool_var = 'country',
+ date_type = 'weekly starting') %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> ### run model ####
> test_that('run_model ivs, dv',{
+ run_model(data = data, dv = dv, ivs = ivs) %>%
+ class() %>%
+ expect_equal('lm')
+ })
Test passed
> ### next steps ---------------------------------------------------------------
> test_that("what next - output dataframe", {
+ model %>%
+ what_next() %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what next - output not all na", {
+ model %>%
+ what_next() %>%
+ select(-variable) %>%
+ %>%
+ all() %>%
+ expect_equal(FALSE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what next - output dataframe - diff FALSE - not pooled", {
+ model %>%
+ what_next(r2_diff = FALSE) %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what next - output not all na - diff FALSE - not pooled", {
+ model %>%
+ what_next(r2_diff = FALSE) %>%
+ select(-variable) %>%
+ %>%
+ all() %>%
+ expect_equal(FALSE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what next - pooled - output dataframe", {
+ pooled_model %>%
+ what_next() %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what next - pooled - output not all na", {
+ pooled_model %>%
+ what_next() %>%
+ select(-variable) %>%
+ %>%
+ all() %>%
+ expect_equal(FALSE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what trans - output dataframe", {
+ run_model(data = mtcars,dv = 'mpg',ivs = c('disp','cyl')) %>%
+ what_trans(variable = 'cyl',trans_df = data.frame(
+ name = c('diminish', 'decay', 'lag', 'ma', 'log', 'hill', 'sin', 'exp'),
+ func = c('linea::diminish(x,a)',
+ 'linea::decay(x,a)',
+ 'linea::lag(x,a)',
+ 'linea::ma(x,a)',
+ 'log(x,a)',
+ "linea::hill_function(x,a,b,c)",
+ 'sin(x*a)',
+ '(x^a)'),order = 1:8) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(val = '') %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(val = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'hill',
+ '(1,5,50),(1 ,5,50),(1,5,50)',
+ val))) %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what trans - output not all na", {
+ run_model(data = mtcars,dv = 'mpg',ivs = c('disp','cyl')) %>%
+ what_trans(variable = 'cyl',trans_df = data.frame(
+ name = c('diminish', 'decay', 'lag', 'ma', 'log', 'hill', 'sin', 'exp'),
+ func = c('linea::diminish(x,a)',
+ 'linea::decay(x,a)',
+ 'linea::lag(x,a)',
+ 'linea::ma(x,a)',
+ 'log(x,a)',
+ "linea::hill_function(x,a,b,c)",
+ 'sin(x*a)',
+ '(x^a)'),order = 1:8) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(val = '') %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(val = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'hill',
+ '(1,5,50),(1 ,5,50),(1,5,50)',
+ val))) %>%
+ %>%
+ all() %>%
+ expect_equal(FALSE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what combo - output dataframe", {
+ data = read_xcsv("")
+ dv = 'ecommerce'
+ ivs = c('christmas','black.friday')
+ combo_trans_df = data.frame(
+ name = c('diminish', 'decay', 'hill', 'exp'),
+ func = c(
+ 'linea::diminish(x,a)',
+ 'linea::decay(x,a)',
+ "linea::hill_function(x,a,b,c)",
+ '(x^a)'
+ ),
+ order = 1:4
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(offline_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'hill',
+ '(1,5,50),(1,5,50),( 1,5,50)',
+ '')) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'diminish',
+ '.1,.5, 10 ',
+ '')) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'decay',
+ '.1,.7 ',
+ online_media)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'exp',
+ '.5,2,3',
+ online_media)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(promo = '') %>%
+ {what_combo(trans_df = .,dv = dv,data = data)} %>%
+ {.[['results']]} %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
Test passed
> test_that("what combo - output not all na", {
+ data = read_xcsv("")
+ dv = 'ecommerce'
+ ivs = c('christmas','black.friday')
+ combo_trans_df = data.frame(
+ name = c('diminish', 'decay', 'hill', 'exp'),
+ func = c(
+ 'linea::diminish(x,a)',
+ 'linea::decay(x,a)',
+ "linea::hill_function(x,a,b,c)",
+ '(x^a)'
+ ),
+ order = 1:4
+ ) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(offline_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'hill',
+ '(1,5,50),(1,5,50),( 1,5,50)',
+ '')) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'diminish',
+ '.1,.5, 10 ',
+ '')) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'decay',
+ '.1,.7 ',
+ online_media)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(online_media = dplyr::if_else(condition = name == 'exp',
+ '.5,2,3',
+ online_media)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(promo = '') %>%
+ {what_combo(trans_df = .,dv = dv,data = data)} %>%
+ {.[['results']]} %>%
+ %>%
+ all() %>%
+ expect_equal(FALSE)
+ })
Test passed
> ### get gt ------------------------------------------------------------------
> test_that("gtrends_f - pooled - output dataframe",{
+ gt_f(data = pooled_data,
+ kw = 'bitcoin',
+ date_col = pooled_id_var) %>%
+ %>%
+ expect_equal(TRUE)
+ })
-- Error (???): gtrends_f - pooled - output dataframe --------------------------
Error in `interest_over_time(widget, comparison_item, tz)`: Status code was not 200. Returned status code:429
1. ... %>% expect_equal(TRUE)
6. linea::gt_f(data = pooled_data, kw = "bitcoin", date_col = pooled_id_var)
7. gtrendsR::gtrends(keyword = kw, time = time_str, onlyInterest = TRUE)
8. gtrendsR:::interest_over_time(widget, comparison_item, tz)
Error in reporter$stop_if_needed() : Test failed
Calls: test_that -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang