AMPLE provides three Shiny apps to explore how Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) work and how performance indicators can be used to select between them.
The three apps are:
You can install the released version of AMPLE from CRAN with:
Alternatively, you can get the latest version from the GitHub repository here by installing it with the devtools package.
Load the library as usual:
The apps can be launched by calling the appropriate function:
The apps are also hosted online at:
There are three vignettes that walk users through the app. These can be used in workshops etc to help learning.
You can access them from R using:
vignette("intro_hcr", package="AMPLE")
vignette("measuring_performance", package="AMPLE")
vignette("comparing_performance", package="AMPLE")
The vignettes are also accessible through the Shiny apps, under the ‘Information’ tab.