Data Model

Jonathan Callahan


This vignette explores the mts_monitor data model used throughout the AirMonitor package to store and work with monitoring data.

The AirMonitor package is designed to provide a compact, full-featured suite of utilities for working with PM 2.5 data. A uniform data model provides consistent data access across monitoring data available from different agencies. The core data model in this package is defined by the mts_monitor object used to store data associated with groups of individual monitors.

To work efficiently with the package it is important to understand the structure of this data object and which functions operate on it. Package functions that begin with monitor_, expect objects of class mts_monitor as their first argument. (‘mts_’ stands for ‘Multiple Time Series’)

Data Model

The AirMonitor package uses the mts data model defined in MazamaTimeSeries.

In this data model, each unique time series is referred to as a “device-deployment” – a timeseries collected by a particular device at a specific location. Multiple device-deployments are stored in memory as a monitor object – an R list with two dataframes:

monitor$meta – rows = unique device-deployments; cols = device/location metadata

monitor$data – rows = UTC times; cols = device-deployments (plus an additional datetime column)

A key feature of this data model is the use of the deviceDeploymentID as a “foreign key” that allows data columns to be mapped onto the associated spatial and device metadata in a meta row. The following will always be true:

identical(names(monitor$data), c('datetime', monitor$meta$deviceDeploymentID))

Each column of monitor$data represents a timeseries associated with a particular device-deployment while each row represents a synoptic snapshot of all measurements made at a particular time.

In this manner, software can create both timeseries plots and maps from a single monitor object in memory.

The data dataframe contains all hourly measurements organized with rows (the ‘unlimited’ dimension) as unique timesteps and columns as unique device-deployments. The very first column is always named datetime and contains the POSIXct datetime in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time axis is guaranteed to be a regular hourly axis with no gaps.

The meta dataframe contains all metadata associated with device-deployments and is organized with rows as unique device-deployments and columns containing both location and device metadata. The following columns are guaranteed to exist in the meta dataframe:

It is important to note that the deviceDeploymentID acts as a unique key that connects data with meta. The following will always be true:

rownames(mts_monitor$meta) == mts_monitor$meta$deviceDeploymentID
colnames(mts_monitor$data) == c('datetime', mts_monitor$meta$deviceDeploymentID)

Example 1: Exploring mts_monitor objects

We will use the built-in “NW_Megafires” dataset and various monitor_filter~() functions to subset a mts_monitor object which we then examine.


# Recipe to create Washington fires in August of 2014:
monitor <-
  # Start with NW Megafires
  NW_Megafires %>%
  # Filter to only include Washington state
  monitor_filter(stateCode == "WA") %>%
  # Filter to only include August
  monitor_filterDate(20150801, 20150831)

# 'mts_monitor' objects can be identified by their class
## [1] "mts_monitor" "mts"         "list"
# They alwyas have two elements called 'meta' and 'data'
## [1] "meta" "data"
# Examine the 'meta' dataframe
## [1] 67 26
##  [1] "deviceDeploymentID"    "deviceID"              "deviceType"           
##  [4] "deviceDescription"     "deviceExtra"           "pollutant"            
##  [7] "units"                 "dataIngestSource"      "dataIngestURL"        
## [10] "dataIngestUnitID"      "dataIngestExtra"       "dataIngestDescription"
## [13] "locationID"            "locationName"          "longitude"            
## [16] "latitude"              "elevation"             "countryCode"          
## [19] "stateCode"             "countyName"            "timezone"             
## [22] "houseNumber"           "street"                "city"                 
## [25] "zip"                   "AQSID"
# Examine the 'data' dataframe
## [1] 720  68
# This should always be true
identical(names(monitor$data), c('datetime', monitor$meta$deviceDeploymentID))
## [1] TRUE

Example 2: Basic manipulation of mts_monitor objects

The AirMonitor package has numerous functions that can work with mts_monitor objects, all of which begin with monitor_. If you need to do something that the package functions do not provide, you can manipulate mts_monitor objects directly as long as you retain the structure of the data model.

Functions that accept and return mts_monitor objects include:

These functions can be used with the magrittr package %>% pipe as in the following example:

# Calculate daily means for the Methow Valley from monitors in Twisp and Winthrop
TwispID <- "450d08fb5a3e4ea0_530470009"
WinthropID <- "40ffdacb421a5ee6_530470010"

# Recipe to calculate Methow Valley August Means:
Methow_Valley_AugustMeans <- 
  # Start with NW Megafires
  NW_Megafires %>%
  # Select monitors from Twisp and Winthrop
  monitor_select(c(TwispID, WinthropID)) %>%
  # Average them together hour-by-hour
  monitor_collapse(deviceID = 'MethowValley') %>%
  # Restrict data to of July
  monitor_filterDate(20150801, 20150901) %>%
  # Calculate daily mean
  monitor_dailyStatistic(mean, minHours = 18) %>%
  # Round data to one decimal place
  monitor_mutate(round, 1)

# Look at the first week
##     datetime bbdd6c928df114fb_MethowValley
## 1 2015-08-01                          20.3
## 2 2015-08-02                          30.7
## 3 2015-08-03                          12.1
## 4 2015-08-04                           9.0
## 5 2015-08-05                           3.7
## 6 2015-08-06                           3.2
## 7 2015-08-07                          11.0

Example 3: Advanced manipulation of mts_monitor objects

The following code demonstrates user manipulation of the data from a mts_monitor object outside the scope of provided monitor_~() functions.

# Spokane area AQSIDs all begin with "53063"
Spokane <-
  NW_Megafires %>%
  monitor_filter(stringr::str_detect(AQSID, "^53063")) %>%
  monitor_filterDate(20150801, 20150808) %>%

# Show the daily statistic
Spokane %>% 
  monitor_dailyStatistic(mean) %>%
## # A tibble: 7 × 4
##   datetime            `5b3acb7aa679dc14_… abde4337eb9064e4_5… fa8288b1da3b2a87_…
##   <dttm>                            <dbl>               <dbl>              <dbl>
## 1 2015-08-01 00:00:00               13.3                14.0               18.2 
## 2 2015-08-02 00:00:00               34.4                39.0               47.1 
## 3 2015-08-03 00:00:00               31.8                35.2               37.1 
## 4 2015-08-04 00:00:00                7.22                7.08               7.31
## 5 2015-08-05 00:00:00                9.15               10.2                5.82
## 6 2015-08-06 00:00:00                4.47                7.48               3.74
## 7 2015-08-07 00:00:00                7.52                5.35               4.50
# Use a custom function to convert from ug/m3 to oz/ft3 
Spokane %>% 
  monitor_mutate(function(x) { return( (x / 28350) * (.3048)^3 ) }) %>%
  monitor_dailyStatistic(mean) %>%
## # A tibble: 7 × 4
##   datetime            `5b3acb7aa679dc14_… abde4337eb9064e4_5… fa8288b1da3b2a87_…
##   <dttm>                            <dbl>               <dbl>              <dbl>
## 1 2015-08-01 00:00:00          0.0000133           0.0000140          0.0000182 
## 2 2015-08-02 00:00:00          0.0000344           0.0000389          0.0000471 
## 3 2015-08-03 00:00:00          0.0000318           0.0000352          0.0000371 
## 4 2015-08-04 00:00:00          0.00000721          0.00000707         0.00000730
## 5 2015-08-05 00:00:00          0.00000914          0.0000102          0.00000581
## 6 2015-08-06 00:00:00          0.00000447          0.00000747         0.00000373
## 7 2015-08-07 00:00:00          0.00000752          0.00000535         0.00000449
# Pull out the time series data to calculate correlations
Spokane %>% 
  monitor_getData() %>% 
  dplyr::select(-1) %>% 
  cor(use = "complete.obs")
##                            5b3acb7aa679dc14_530639997
## 5b3acb7aa679dc14_530639997                  1.0000000
## abde4337eb9064e4_530639996                  0.8811545
## fa8288b1da3b2a87_530630047                  0.9258439
##                            abde4337eb9064e4_530639996
## 5b3acb7aa679dc14_530639997                  0.8811545
## abde4337eb9064e4_530639996                  1.0000000
## fa8288b1da3b2a87_530630047                  0.8835324
##                            fa8288b1da3b2a87_530630047
## 5b3acb7aa679dc14_530639997                  0.9258439
## abde4337eb9064e4_530639996                  0.8835324
## fa8288b1da3b2a87_530630047                  1.0000000

This introduction to the mts_monitor data model should be enough to get you started. Lots more documentation and examples are available in the package documentation.

Best of luck exploring and understanding PM 2.air quality data!