D3 Genome Browser is an interactive genome browser that can be easily integrated in R analysis protocols and shared on the Web. It is compatible with popular data formats such as GenBank, GFF, BED, FASTA, and VCF, and enables the exploration of genomic data with a Web browser. This vignette provides a three examples showing how to create D3GB genome browsers from different file formats.

Genome browser from GenBank File

This tutorial shows how to create a D3GB genome browser from a GenBank file with the R package. This will create a complete genome browser of Micromonospora lupini. Install the D3GB package and write the following code in R:


# Download GenBank file
gbff <- tempfile()

# Genome browser generation.
# It creates a genome browser ready to be viewed in Firefox.
# For a server version, ready to be shared with Apache as a Website, set the parameter server=True
gb <- gbk2genomebrowser(gbff, dir = "Micromonospora_Lupini_gbk")

D3GB from Fasta and GFF files in R

This tutorial shows how to create a D3GB genome browser from GFF and Fasta files with the R package. This will create a complete genome browser of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Install the D3GB package and write the following code in R:


# Download fasta file
fasta <- tempfile()

# Genome browser generation.
gb <- genomebrowser(getAssemblyFromFasta(fasta), dir = "saccharomyces_genomebrowser")


# Download gff file and add to the genome browser
gff <- tempfile()


# Genome browser generation.
# It creates a genome browser ready to be viewed in Firefox.
# For a server version, ready to be shared with Apache as a Website, set the parameter server=True
gb <- gbk2genomebrowser(gbff, dir = "Micromonospora_Lupini_gbk")

Human genome browser with R

This tutorial shows how to create a complete human genome browser with the D3GB R package. This example creates the genome browser and adds several tracks such as RNASeq expression, GWAS results, variants from exome sequencing samples, Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) annotations of variants, protein domains and gene annotations. Install the D3GB package and write the following code in R:


# Create a temporary dir

# Download original files and transform it to BED format
# Genes track
genes <- read.delim("temp/refFlat.txt.gz",FALSE,quote="")
genes[,3] <- sub('chr','',genes[,3])
genes <- genes[genes[,3] %in% GRCh37[,1],]
exonSize <- apply(genes,1,function(x) paste(as.numeric(strsplit(x[11],",")[[1]])-as.numeric(strsplit(x[10],",")[[1]]),collapse=","))
exonStart <- apply(genes,1,function(x) paste(as.numeric(strsplit(x[10],",")[[1]])-as.numeric(x[5]),collapse=","))
genesBED <- data.frame(chr = genes[,3], start = genes[,5], end = genes[,6], name = genes[,1], score = genes[,2], strand = genes[,4], thickStart = genes[,7], thickEnd = genes[,8], itemRGB = NA, blockCount = genes[,9], blockSize = exonSize, blockStarts = exonStart)

# Add PFAM domains
domains <- read.delim("temp/ucscGenePfam.txt.gz",FALSE,quote="")
domains[,2] <- sub('chr','',domains[,2])
domains[,c(6,10)] <- NA
domainsBED <- domains[domains[,2] %in% GRCh37[,1],2:13]

# Example of how to add tracks from a list. See below for other options
tracks <- list(refFlat = genesBED, Pfam = domainsBED)
# Specify tracks type an color
types <- c("exons","domain")
colors <- c("#B8860B","#000000")

# Download GWAS Catalog in BED format

# Genome browser generation.
# It creates a genome browser ready to be viewed in Firefox.
# For a server version, ready to be shared with Apache as a Website, set the parameter server=True
gb <- genomebrowser(GRCh37.bands, tracks, types, colors, "temp/GWAS_Catalog", dir = "HumanGenomeBrowser")

# Adding tracks one by one. This adds GWAS Catalog to the genome browser

# Add VEP annotated VCF

# ADD RNASeq tissue expression data
for(i in c("adipose_tissue", "adrenal_gland", "brain", "heart", "kidney", "liver", "lung", "ovary", "pancreas", "sigmoid_colon", "small_intestine", "spleen", "testis")){

# Load genome sequence
genome_addSequence(gb, "temp/GRCh37.fa.gz")
