package for automated machine learning especially in the classification context. DriveML
saves a lot of effort required for data preparation, feature engineering, model selection and writing lengthy codes in a programming environment such as R. Overall, the main benefits of DriveML are in development time savings, reduce developers errors, optimal tuning of machine learning models and reproducibility.
DriveML Framework:
DriveML is a series of functions such as AutoDataPrep
, AutoMAR
, autoMLmodel
. DriveML automates some of the most difficult machine learning functions such as data cleaning, data transformations, feature engineering, model training, model validation, model tuning and model selection.
Three key features of DriveML : Pre-processing, ML Techniques and Model interpretations
function to generate a novel features based on the functional understanding of the datasetautoMLmodel
function to develop baseline machine learning models using regression and tree based classification techniquesautoMLReport
function to print the machine learning model outcome in HTML formatInstall from CRAN within R using:
Install the latest development version of the DriveML from github with:
In this vignette, we will be using Heart Disease - Classifications data set
Data source UCI
Understanding the dimensions of the dataset, variable names, overall missing summary and data types of each variables
## overview of the data;
ExpData(data = heart, type = 1)
## structure of the data
ExpData(data = heart, type = 2)
To summarise the numeric variables, you can use following r codes from this pacakge
## Summary statistics by – overall
ExpNumStat(heart, by = "GA", gp = "target_var", Qnt = seq(0, 1, 0.1), MesofShape = 2, Outlier = TRUE, round = 2)
## Generate Boxplot by category
ExpNumViz(heart, gp = "target_var", type = 2, nlim = 25, Page = c(2, 2))
## Generate Density plot
ExpNumViz(heart, gp = NULL, type = 3, nlim = 10, Page = c(2, 2))
## Generate Scatter plot
ExpNumViz(heart, target="target_var", nlim = 4, scatter = TRUE, Page=c(2, 1))
One function to prepare a input data for machine learning model
# Data Preparation
small_data <- autoDataprep(heart, target = "target_var", missimpute = "default",
auto_mar = TRUE, mar_object = NULL, dummyvar = TRUE,
char_var_limit = 12, aucv = 0.02, corr = 0.99,
outlier_flag = TRUE, interaction_var = TRUE,
frequent_var = TRUE, uid = NULL, onlykeep = NULL, drop = NULL)
# Print output on R console
# Final prepared master data
small_data_t <- small_data$master_data
One function to develop machine learning binary classification model
# DriveML Model development
small_ml_random <- autoMLmodel(small_data_t, target = "target_var", testSplit = 0.2,
tuneIters = 5, tuneType = "random",
models = "all", varImp = 10, liftGroup = 10, maxObs = 10000, uid = NULL,
pdp = T, positive = 1, htmlreport = FALSE, seed = 1991)
# Model summary results
Model comparison results
Test AUC
Variable Importance
Threshold Plot
Generate a report in html format for the output of autoDataprep and autoMLmodel functions.
autoMLReport(mlobject = small_ml_random, mldata = small_data, op_file = "driveML_ouput_heart_data.html")
The pre-print version of the paper on DriveML is available at ArXiv at-
DriveML paper was presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Data Quality Assessment for Machine Learning at Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) conference that was held on14-18 August, 2021, at Singapore. Conference workshop website link-
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