The package provides methods to read output files from the MetIDQ™ software into R. Metabolomics data is read and reformatted into an S4 object for convenient data handling, statistics and downstream analysis.
There is a version available on CRAN.
The package takes metabolomic measurements as “.xlsx” files generated from the MetIDQ™ software. Additionally, meta data for each sample can be provided for further analysis.
Effective quantification of metabolites requires a reliable signal. The limit of detection (LOD) is defined as 3 times signal-to-noise of the baseline, calculated by the software MetIDQ for each metabolite. Values are classified as “Valid”, “LOQ” (below limit of quantification) or “LOD” (below limit of detection). This information is encoded in the color in the “.xlsx” table. Further color codes can include “ISTD Out of Range”, “Invalid” and “Incomplete”. The MetAlyzer packages allow to read both information, the value and the quantification status, gives statistics about the quantification efficacy and allows filtering based on the LOD.
Example of excel sheet.
To present the functionalities of the package, we use a data set published by Gegner et al. 2022. This data set used 6 (1 to 6) different extraction methods to quantify 630 metabolites in triplicates for 4 tissue types (Drosophila, Mouse Liver, Mouse Kidney, Zebrafish Liver).
<- system.file("extdata", "example_data.xlsx", package = "MetAlyzer")
fpath <- system.file("extdata", "example_meta_data.rds", package = "MetAlyzer") mpath
<- MetAlyzerDataset(file_path = fpath)
obj show(obj)
#> -------------------------------------
#> File name: example_data.xlsx
#> Sheet: 1
#> File path: /private/var/folders/nj/3hydy5b16yg2lv3fv6645f8w0000gn/T/RtmpCdv5wM/Rinst197ddeea231/MetAlyzer/extdata
#> Metabolites: 862
#> Classes: 24
#> Including metabolism indicators: TRUE
#> Number of samples: 74
#> Columns meta data: "Plate Bar Code"; "Sample Bar Code"; "Sample Type"; "Group"; "Tissue"; "Sample Volume"; "Measurement Time"
#> Ploting data created: FALSE
The overview shows the different slots in the MetAlyzer object. The 630 metabolites are accompanied by 232 metabolite indicators calculated by the MetIDQ™ software.
The slots can be accessed using the functions metaData, rawData, quantStatus and metabolites.
For example:
#> Plate Bar Code Sample Bar Code Sample Type Group Tissue
#> 9 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420836 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 10 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420841 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 11 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420855 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 12 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030423460 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> 13 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420860 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> 14 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420874 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> Sample Volume Measurement Time
#> 9 10 2020.10.05 17:52:54 | 2020.10.06 16:27:10
#> 10 10 2020.10.05 17:59:08 | 2020.10.06 16:30:42
#> 11 10 2020.10.05 18:05:19 | 2020.10.06 21:53:52
#> 12 10 2020.10.05 18:11:33 | 2020.10.06 16:37:44
#> 13 10 2020.10.05 18:17:47 | 2020.10.06 22:00:56
#> 14 10 2020.10.05 18:23:58 | 2020.10.06 22:04:29
head(quantStatus(obj), c(5, 5))
#> C0 C2 C3 C3-DC (C4-OH) C3-OH
#> 9 Valid Valid Valid LOD LOD
#> 10 Valid Valid Valid LOD LOD
#> 11 Valid Valid Valid LOD LOD
#> 12 Valid Valid Valid Valid LOD
#> 13 Valid Valid Valid LOD LOD
To subset the data set, the functions filterMetabolites and filterMetaData can be used to filter for certain metabolite classes or meta data. The original data are kept, so the filtering can be reset to the original data set using resetMetabolites and resetMetaData.
For example, we want to exclude the metabolite indicators:
<- filterMetabolites(obj, class_name = "Metabolism Indicators")
obj #> 232 metabolites were filtered!
There are also 2 blank samples in the data that we want to remove: The extraction methods are encoded in the column “Group” of the meta data. We only keep those samples that are named c(1:6).
<- filterMetaData(obj, column = Group, keep = c(1:6)) obj
The function summariseQuantData shows a summary of the quantification statistics of the data set. E.g. 45.36% of the metabolites across the data set were below the LOD.
#> -------------------------------------
#> Valid: 21951 (48.39%)
#> LOQ: 2832 (6.24%)
#> LOD: 20577 (45.36%)
#> NAs: 0 (0%)
As the different extraction methods were measured in triplicates, we want to add this meta data using the function updateMetaData. First we load the meta data.
<- readRDS(mpath)
meta_df head(meta_df)
#> Method Replicate
#> 1 1 R1
#> 2 1 R2
#> 3 1 R3
#> 4 2 R1
#> 5 2 R2
#> 6 2 R3
And then add the replicate information.
<- updateMetaData(obj, name = Replicate, new_colum = meta_df$Replicate)
obj show(obj)
#> -------------------------------------
#> File name: example_data.xlsx
#> Sheet: 1
#> File path: /private/var/folders/nj/3hydy5b16yg2lv3fv6645f8w0000gn/T/RtmpCdv5wM/Rinst197ddeea231/MetAlyzer/extdata
#> Metabolites: 630
#> Classes: 23
#> Including metabolism indicators: FALSE
#> Number of samples: 72
#> Columns meta data: "Plate Bar Code"; "Sample Bar Code"; "Sample Type"; "Group"; "Tissue"; "Sample Volume"; "Measurement Time"; "Replicate"
#> Ploting data created: FALSE
In the meta data, the description of the 6 extraction methods is encoded in the column “Group”. For downstream analyses, we want to rename this column into “Method” using renameMetaData.
<- renameMetaData(obj, Method = Group)
obj head(metaData(obj))
#> Plate Bar Code Sample Bar Code Sample Type Method Tissue
#> 9 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420836 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 10 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420841 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 11 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420855 Sample 1 Drosophila
#> 12 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030423460 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> 13 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420860 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> 14 1030423581-1 | 1030425491-1 1030420874 Sample 2 Drosophila
#> Sample Volume Measurement Time Replicate
#> 9 10 2020.10.05 17:52:54 | 2020.10.06 16:27:10 R1
#> 10 10 2020.10.05 17:59:08 | 2020.10.06 16:30:42 R2
#> 11 10 2020.10.05 18:05:19 | 2020.10.06 21:53:52 R3
#> 12 10 2020.10.05 18:11:33 | 2020.10.06 16:37:44 R1
#> 13 10 2020.10.05 18:17:47 | 2020.10.06 22:00:56 R2
#> 14 10 2020.10.05 18:23:58 | 2020.10.06 22:04:29 R3
For further filtering and plotting, the data can be reformatted into a data frame. This allows easy plotting with e.g. ggplot2 and filtering by e.g. the metabolites of interest or the quantification status. If replicates are available, some statistics are automatically calculated for each metabolite and each additional grouping variable that is passed. For our study, we can add “Method” and “Tissue” to indicate that there are replicates for these variables. In addition, it is possible to pass another column from the meta data that will be added but not used as a grouping variable for the statistics.
<- createPlottingData(obj, Method, Tissue, ungrouped = Replicate)
obj <- plottingData(obj)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 12
#> # Groups: Method, Tissue, Metabolite [2]
#> Method Tissue Replicate Metabolite Class Concentration Mean SD CV
#> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Drosophila R1 C0 Acylca… 203 179. 82.4 0.461
#> 2 1 Drosophila R2 C0 Acylca… 86.8 179. 82.4 0.461
#> 3 1 Drosophila R3 C0 Acylca… 246 179. 82.4 0.461
#> 4 1 Drosophila R1 C2 Acylca… 29.5 26.6 9.72 0.365
#> 5 1 Drosophila R2 C2 Acylca… 15.8 26.6 9.72 0.365
#> 6 1 Drosophila R3 C2 Acylca… 34.6 26.6 9.72 0.365
#> # … with 3 more variables: CV_thresh <fct>, Status <fct>,
#> # valid_replicates <lgl>
For example, we can filter for glutamic acid (Glu) and plot the concentration.
<- filter(gg_df, Metabolite == "Glu")
ggplot(glu_gg_df, aes(Method, Concentration, color = Status)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Valid" = "#00CD66",
"LOQ" = "#87CEEB",
"LOD" = "#6A5ACD")) +
ylab("Concentration [pmol/mg Tissue]") +
facet_grid(~ Tissue)
In case NAs or zeros are produced, we provide zero imputation as described in (Gegner et al.). Before, the imputation, there are 12,212 zero values in the data set.
length(which(gg_df$Concentration == 0))
#> [1] 12212
Now we impute the data for each tissue and metabolite separately.
<- imputePlottingData(obj, Tissue, Metabolite)
obj <- plottingData(obj) imp_gg_df
After the imputation, the lowest values is non-zero. The imputed values are written into column “imp_Conc”. NAs are not imputed by default.
min(imp_gg_df$imp_Conc, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 2e-04
Raw or imputed concentrations in the object can directly be transformed using the function transformPlottingData. By default the data is log2 transformed and written into the column “transf_Conc”.
<- transformPlottingData(obj)
obj <- plottingData(obj)
trans_gg_df head(trans_gg_df)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#> # Groups: Method, Tissue, Metabolite [2]
#> Method Tissue Replicate Metabolite Class Concentration imp_Conc transf_Conc
#> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Drosop… R1 C0 Acylca… 203 203 7.67
#> 2 1 Drosop… R2 C0 Acylca… 86.8 86.8 6.44
#> 3 1 Drosop… R3 C0 Acylca… 246 246 7.94
#> 4 1 Drosop… R1 C2 Acylca… 29.5 29.5 4.88
#> 5 1 Drosop… R2 C2 Acylca… 15.8 15.8 3.98
#> 6 1 Drosop… R3 C2 Acylca… 34.6 34.6 5.11
#> # … with 6 more variables: Mean <dbl>, SD <dbl>, CV <dbl>, CV_thresh <fct>,
#> # Status <fct>, valid_replicates <lgl>
To plot imputed and transformed data, we filter again for glutamic acid:
<- filter(trans_gg_df, Metabolite == "Glu")
ggplot(trans_glu_gg_df, aes(Method, transf_Conc, color = Status)) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Valid" = "#00CD66",
"LOQ" = "#87CEEB",
"LOD" = "#6A5ACD")) +
facet_grid(~ Tissue)
As described in (Gegner et al.), an ANOVA can be used to identify metabolites which are significantly higher in one or more methods compared to all other for each metabolite.
<- performANOVA(obj, categorical = Method)
obj <- plottingData(obj)
anv_gg_df head(data.frame(anv_gg_df))
#> Method Tissue Replicate Metabolite Class Concentration imp_Conc
#> 1 1 Drosophila R1 C0 Acylcarnitines 203.0 203.0
#> 2 1 Drosophila R2 C0 Acylcarnitines 86.8 86.8
#> 3 1 Drosophila R3 C0 Acylcarnitines 246.0 246.0
#> 4 1 Drosophila R1 C2 Acylcarnitines 29.5 29.5
#> 5 1 Drosophila R2 C2 Acylcarnitines 15.8 15.8
#> 6 1 Drosophila R3 C2 Acylcarnitines 34.6 34.6
#> transf_Conc Mean SD CV CV_thresh Status valid_replicates
#> 1 7.665336 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 2 6.439623 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 3 7.942515 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 4 4.882643 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 5 3.981853 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 6 5.112700 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> ANOVA_group
#> 1 A
#> 2 A
#> 3 A
#> 4 AB
#> 5 AB
#> 6 AB
Any method labeled with an “A” can now be considered optimal among all tested methods.
$optimal <- sapply(anv_gg_df$ANOVA_group, function(g) grepl("A", g))
anv_gg_df<- setPlottingData(obj, anv_gg_df)
obj head(data.frame(anv_gg_df))
#> Method Tissue Replicate Metabolite Class Concentration imp_Conc
#> 1 1 Drosophila R1 C0 Acylcarnitines 203.0 203.0
#> 2 1 Drosophila R2 C0 Acylcarnitines 86.8 86.8
#> 3 1 Drosophila R3 C0 Acylcarnitines 246.0 246.0
#> 4 1 Drosophila R1 C2 Acylcarnitines 29.5 29.5
#> 5 1 Drosophila R2 C2 Acylcarnitines 15.8 15.8
#> 6 1 Drosophila R3 C2 Acylcarnitines 34.6 34.6
#> transf_Conc Mean SD CV CV_thresh Status valid_replicates
#> 1 7.665336 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 2 6.439623 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 3 7.942515 178.60000 82.357028 0.4611256 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 4 4.882643 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 5 3.981853 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> 6 5.112700 26.63333 9.722311 0.3650430 more30 Valid TRUE
#> ANOVA_group optimal
#> 1 A TRUE
#> 2 A TRUE
#> 3 A TRUE
#> 4 AB TRUE
#> 5 AB TRUE
#> 6 AB TRUE