PDtoolkit 0.1.0


  1. The new argument added to stepMIV function - coding.start.model which allows user to have different coding types for starting and final model. Additionally, the same function is improved adding the check for its output value - if (nrow(steps) > 0) {steps <- cbind.data.frame(target = target, steps)} and correction for miv table for missing/infinite values is introduced.
  2. Improvement of cat.bin function is performed. If merging of special case bins is selected (argument sc.merge), then summary table output reports the bin with which it is merged.
  3. Package is extended with a new functions: psi and create.partitions.

PDtoolkit 0.2.0


  1. rf.clustering - increased number of maximum clusters from 30 to 100 for manual selection. For x2y metric, minsplit and minbucket added in order to speed up the algorithm.
  2. segment.vld - correction for possible 0 and 1 observed default rate in the prop.test.
  3. replace.woe - extended list of elements for WoE check (c(NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf)).
  4. The new argument added to stepMIV function - offset.vals. The same function, now returns the model development database also for coding = "dummy".
  5. Package is extended with a new functions: evrs and interaction.transformer.

PDtoolkit 0.3.0


  1. Package is extended with a new functions: stepFWD and stepRPC.

PDtoolkit 0.4.0


  1. Package is extended with a new functions: staged.blocks, embeded.blocks and ensemble.blocks.
  2. Fixed bug in create.partitions function - risk factors with more than 10 modalities.