PRISMA flow charts are a special case of a common plot used in clinical research. There are many examples where a population is whittled down to a study group, and, in good reports, the process is described. A flow chart is an effective way of presenting this data.
incl_counts = c(972, 132, 77, 14),
total_label = "Total Screened",
incl_labels = c("Consented", "Completed Study", "BMI <= 30"),
excl_labels = c("Declined Consent", "Failed to Complete", "BMI > 30")
Fictitious study data, presenting just counts
Percentages of the Total figure
Percentages of the previous box
incl_counts = c(972, 132, 77, 14),
total_label = "Total Screened",
incl_labels = c("Consented", "Completed Study", "BMI <= 30"),
excl_labels = c("Declined Consent", "Failed to Complete", "BMI > 30"),
percent_of_total = TRUE,
percent_of_prev = FALSE,
show_count = FALSE,
font_size = 14)
Demonstrating other options