RGeckoboard - Geckoboard API client for R

The package RGeckoboard makes it easy to feed Geckoboard Dashboards with data and images from R. There are three main functionalities:

An image created with this package must be uploaded to an URL accessible from Geckoboard. This could be a location on a cloud service (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive) or a custom host. For more information see https://support.geckoboard.com/hc/en-us/articles/203676478#using_the_image_widget.




The package depends on - jsonlite - httr


Set-up account in R

In order to use the various methods of this package, we need to save the account data of the Geckoboard Project into an R object of class geckoboardAccount. The next examples all make use of this account object.

## Fill in here the API key found on 
## www.geckoboard.com -> 'top-right' -> Account -> API Key. 
> account = geckoboardCreateAccount("ProjectName", key="553c55...")
> class(account)
[1] "geckoboardAccount"

Upload Time Series Data

This sample code defines an R data frame with a date column and 2 custom numeric columns. To create the data set on Geckoboard a custom name must be added plus the types of the columns. More information on the allowed types can be found on https://developer.geckoboard.com/api-reference/curl/.

Keep in mind that geckoDatasetCreate only creates an empty dataset which means it only uses the column names of the parameter df but not the rows. Data is updated in the next step, using the method geckoDatasetReplace.

> data = data.frame(
    date=c("2018-03-01", "2018-03-02", "2018-03-03", "2018-03-04"), 
    KPI1=c(77, 78.1, 79, NA), 
    KPI2=c(78, 90, 91.2, 92)
> datasetName = "kpi.by_day"
> types = c("date", "number", "number")
> geckoDatasetCreate(data, account$apiKey, datasetName, types)
> geckoDatasetReplace(data, account$apiKey, datasetName, types)

Numeric columns are marked by default as optional. This allows to submit NA values, too. If a field is optional or not can be changed using the parameter optional in the geckoDatasetCreate call.

To remove an existing dataset simply call:

> geckoDatasetRemove(account$apiKey, datasetName)

Upload an Image to Geckoboard

The function geckoImagePrepare makes it easy to specify the right resolution of the rendered picture:

> geckoImagePrepare("folder/filename.jpg", size = "2x2", retina=TRUE, adjustTitleRow=FALSE)
> plot(100+cumsum(rnorm(50)), type="l", col="red", lwd=3, ylab="Stock Price")
> geckoImageSave()

Create a Bar Chart using the CustomWidget API

Using geckoCustomWidgetUpdate data from a data.frame is easily pushed to Geckoboard and visualized by a Bar Chart. First create a new CustomWidget in Geckoboard, then copy the widget key to paste it into R.

## Fill in here the widget API key found when creating a new CustomWidget on www.geckoboard.com.
> widgetKey = "..."
> df = data.frame(date=as.Date("2018-01-01", "2018-02-01"), val1=1:2, val2=rnorm(2))
> geckoCustomWidgetUpdate(
    y=df[, c("val1", "val2")], 