Introduction to RcppSpdlog

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Initial version dated October 2020

Introducing RcppSpdlog

spdlog is a widely-used and very capable header-only C++ library for logging. The RcppSpdlog package provides R users with easy-to-use customized access to the spdlog logging library by including its headers in an R package which permit other R packages to deploy it via a simple LinkingTo: RcppSpdlog as described in Section 1.1.3 of WRE.

spdlog is mature and widely deployed. It also has a very rich set of features described at the repository wiki. This vignette will highlight a few first use cases.

Note that in order to use RcppSpdlog in an R package that might get distributed to CRAN, the code should follow the example R and C++ code in function exampleRsink() as described below.

We will however start with some simpler examples. Do not copy those into your R package. The package checks used by R test for use of stdout and stderr which is why the customized setup described later is preferable.

Initial example: Basics

This example follows the simplest and initial example in the spdlog. It is also included in the RcppSpdlog package as examples/exampleOne.cpp. As discussed above, do not use this example as a starting point in an R package.

// based on the 'basic usage' example in the at

#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"

#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppSpdlog)]]

// [[Rcpp::export]]
void exampleOne() {

  // change log pattern (changed from [%H:%M:%S %z] [%n] [%^---%L---%$] )
  spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%f] [%L] [thread %t] %v");

  spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog!");
  spdlog::error("Some error message with arg: {}", 1);

  spdlog::warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
  spdlog::critical("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
  spdlog::info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
  spdlog::info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
  spdlog::info("{:<30}", "left aligned");

  spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::debug); // Set global log level to debug
  spdlog::debug("This message should be displayed..");

  // Compile time log levels
  // define SPDLOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL to desired level
  SPDLOG_TRACE("Some trace message with param {}", {});
  SPDLOG_DEBUG("Some debug message");


/*** R

When built, which is easiest via Rcpp::sourceCpp(), the final block ensures that the created function exampleOne() is executed. In one previous run, the following output was produded:

R> exampleOne()
[14:25:03.362024] [I] [thread 2453030] Welcome to spdlog!
[14:25:03.362047] [E] [thread 2453030] Some error message with arg: 1
[14:25:03.362051] [W] [thread 2453030] Easy padding in numbers like 00000012
[14:25:03.362053] [C] [thread 2453030] Support for int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010
[14:25:03.362056] [I] [thread 2453030] Support for floats 1.23
[14:25:03.362058] [I] [thread 2453030] Positional args are supported too..
[14:25:03.362060] [I] [thread 2453030] left aligned
[14:25:03.362061] [D] [thread 2453030] This message should be displayed..

We note the easy-to-formatting in the source which benefits from the embedded fmt package for easy-to-use variable expansion. We also notice the different logging “levels” indicated by single letters: info, errror, warning, critical and debug. More on this below.

Second example: Showcase

This second example follows a more complete example in the spdlog documention and highlights numerous features of the library. As before, this example is also included in the RcppSpdlog package as examples/exampleTwo.cpp. And as before, do not use this example as a starting point in an R package.

#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"

#include <Rcpp.h>

void stdout_logger_example();
void basic_example();
void rotating_example();
void daily_example();
void async_example();
void binary_example();
void trace_example();
void multi_sink_example();
void user_defined_example();
void err_handler_example();
void syslog_example();
void clone_example();

#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"

// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppSpdlog)]]

// [[Rcpp::export]]
void exampleTwo() {

    spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog version {}.{}.{} !",
    spdlog::warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
    spdlog::critical("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
    spdlog::info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
    spdlog::info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
    spdlog::info("{:>8} aligned, {:<8} aligned", "right", "left");

    // Runtime log levels
    spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::info); // Set global log level to info
    spdlog::debug("This message should not be displayed!");
    spdlog::set_level(spdlog::level::trace); // Set specific logger's log level
    spdlog::debug("This message should be displayed..");

    // Customize msg format for all loggers
    spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S %z] [%^%L%$] [thread %t] %v");
    spdlog::info("This an info message with custom format");
    spdlog::set_pattern("%+"); // back to default format


        // Flush all *registered* loggers using a worker thread every 3 seconds.
        // note: registered loggers *must* be thread safe for this to work correctly!

        // Apply some function on all registered loggers
        spdlog::apply_all([&](std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> l) { l->info("End of example."); });

        // Release all spdlog resources, and drop all loggers in the registry.
        // This is optional (only mandatory if using windows + async log).

    // Exceptions will only be thrown upon failed logger or sink construction (not during logging).
    catch (const spdlog::spdlog_ex &ex)
        std::printf("Log initialization failed: %s\n", ex.what());

    // added to this example file allow multiple runs of function

#include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h"
// or #include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h" if no colors needed.
void stdout_logger_example()
    // Create color multi threaded logger.
    auto console = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("console");
    // or for stderr:
    // auto console = spdlog::stderr_color_mt("error-logger");

#include "spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h"
void basic_example()
    // Create basic file logger (not rotated).
    auto my_logger = spdlog::basic_logger_mt("file_logger", "logs/basic-log.txt");

#include "spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h"
void rotating_example()
    // Create a file rotating logger with 5mb size max and 3 rotated files.
    auto rotating_logger =
        spdlog::rotating_logger_mt("some_logger_name", "logs/rotating.txt", 1048576 * 5, 3);

#include "spdlog/sinks/daily_file_sink.h"
void daily_example()
    // Create a daily logger - a new file is created every day on 2:30am.
    auto daily_logger = spdlog::daily_logger_mt("daily_logger", "logs/daily.txt", 2, 30);

// Clone a logger and give it new name.
// Useful for creating component/subsystem loggers from some "root" logger.
void clone_example()
    auto network_logger = spdlog::default_logger()->clone("network");
    network_logger->info("Logging network stuff..");

#include "spdlog/async.h"
void async_example()
    // Default thread pool settings can be modified *before* creating the async logger:
    // spdlog::init_thread_pool(32768, 1); // queue with max 32k items 1 backing thread.
    auto async_file =
        spdlog::basic_logger_mt<spdlog::async_factory>("async_file_logger", "logs/async_log.txt");
    // alternatively:
    // auto async_file =
    //     spdlog::create_async<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>("async_file_logger",
    //     "logs/async_log.txt");

    for (int i = 1; i < 101; ++i)
        async_file->info("Async message #{}", i);

// Log binary data as hex.
// Many types of std::container<char> types can be used.
// Iterator ranges are supported too.
// Format flags:
// {:X} - print in uppercase.
// {:s} - don't separate each byte with space.
// {:p} - don't print the position on each line start.
// {:n} - don't split the output to lines.

#include "spdlog/fmt/bin_to_hex.h"
void binary_example()
    std::vector<char> buf;
    for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
        buf.push_back(static_cast<char>(i & 0xff));
    spdlog::info("Binary example: {}", spdlog::to_hex(buf));
    spdlog::info("Another binary example:{:n}",
                 spdlog::to_hex(std::begin(buf), std::begin(buf) + 10));
    // more examples:
    // logger->info("uppercase: {:X}", spdlog::to_hex(buf));
    // logger->info("uppercase, no delimiters: {:Xs}", spdlog::to_hex(buf));
    // logger->info("uppercase, no delimiters, no position info: {:Xsp}", spdlog::to_hex(buf));

// Compile time log levels.
// define SPDLOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL to required level (e.g. SPDLOG_LEVEL_TRACE)
void trace_example()
    // trace from default logger
    SPDLOG_TRACE("Some trace message.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
    // debug from default logger
    SPDLOG_DEBUG("Some debug message.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);

    // trace from logger object
    auto logger = spdlog::get("file_logger");
    SPDLOG_LOGGER_TRACE(logger, "another trace message");

// A logger with multiple sinks (stdout and file) - each with a different format and log level.
void multi_sink_example()
    auto console_sink = std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::stdout_color_sink_mt>();
    console_sink->set_pattern("[multi_sink_example] [%^%l%$] %v");

    auto file_sink =
        std::make_shared<spdlog::sinks::basic_file_sink_mt>("logs/multisink.txt", true);

    spdlog::logger logger("multi_sink", {console_sink, file_sink});
    logger.warn("this should appear in both console and file");"this message should not appear in the console, only in the file");

// User defined types logging by implementing operator<<
#include "spdlog/fmt/ostr.h" // must be included
struct my_type
    int i;
    template<typename OStream>
    friend OStream &operator<<(OStream &os, const my_type &c)
        return os << "[my_type i=" << c.i << "]";

void user_defined_example()
    spdlog::info("user defined type: {}", my_type{14});

// Custom error handler. Will be triggered on log failure.
void err_handler_example()
    // can be set globally or per logger(logger->set_error_handler(..))
    spdlog::set_error_handler([](const std::string &msg) {
         printf("*** Custom log error handler: %s ***\n", msg.c_str()); });

// syslog example (linux/osx/freebsd)
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "spdlog/sinks/syslog_sink.h"
void syslog_example()
    std::string ident = "spdlog-example";
    auto syslog_logger = spdlog::syslog_logger_mt("syslog", ident, LOG_PID);
    syslog_logger->warn("This is warning that will end up in syslog.");

// Android example.
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#include "spdlog/sinks/android_sink.h"
void android_example()
    std::string tag = "spdlog-android";
    auto android_logger = spdlog::android_logger_mt("android", tag);
    android_logger->critical("Use \"adb shell logcat\" to view this message.");


/*** R

We are not showing the output here; it can be compiled, linked, loaded and run just as above by simply passing the filename to Rcpp::sourceCpp(). Note that is will create a few demonstration logfiles so you may want to run the example from a temporary directory.

Third example: Colour

The next example highlights a colour ‘sink’ for the logger. Again, do not use this as a starting point for your package as R CMD check will protest about use of stdout.

#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h"

#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppSpdlog)]]

// [[Rcpp::export]]
void exampleThree() {

  auto console = spdlog::stdout_color_mt("console");

  // change log pattern (changed from [%H:%M:%S %z] [%n] [%^---%L---%$] )
  spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%f] [%^%L%$] [thread %t] %v");
  spdlog::info("This an info message with custom format");
  //spdlog::set_pattern("%+"); // back to default format

  spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog!");
  spdlog::error("Some error message with arg: {}", 1);

  spdlog::warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
  spdlog::critical("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
  spdlog::info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
  spdlog::info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
  spdlog::info("{:<30}", "left aligned");

  // added to this example file allow multiple runs of different package functions


/*** R

When running this example in a terminal capable of displaying colour escape sequence, the logging levels are distinguished by colour. This ranges from green (“info”) to yellow (“warning”) to red (“error”) and white-on-red (“critical”). Not that in this vignette color from standard output does how not show (in the keep-it-simple-mode we are using here).

R> exampleThree()
[14:47:52.260692] [I] [thread 2502026] This an info message with custom format
[14:47:52.260715] [I] [thread 2502026] Welcome to spdlog!
[14:47:52.260732] [E] [thread 2502026] Some error message with arg: 1
[14:47:52.260734] [W] [thread 2502026] Easy padding in numbers like 00000012
[14:47:52.260736] [C] [thread 2502026] Support for int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010
[14:47:52.260739] [I] [thread 2502026] Support for floats 1.23
[14:47:52.260741] [I] [thread 2502026] Positional args are supported too..
[14:47:52.260743] [I] [thread 2502026] left aligned

Fourth Example: Dedicated R Logger

The next example is suitable for use in R packages, and in fact included as an example in the package. We include the source file src/exampleRsink.cpp.

// this portmanteau include also defines the r_sink we use below, and which
// diverts all logging to R via the Rcpp::Rcout replacement for std::cout
#include <RcppSpdlog>
#include <spdlog/stopwatch.h>           // also support stopwatch feature

//' spdlog Example using a sink for R
//' A simple example invoking a derived R/Rcpp logger. Also demonstrates the
//' stopwatch feature. For more features see the 'spdlog' documnetation.
//' Note that this no longer triggers R warnings thanks to excellent help by
//' Gabi Melman.
//' @return None
//' @examples
//' exampleRsink()
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void exampleRsink() {

    std::string logname = "fromR";                          // fix a name for this logger
    auto sp = spdlog::get(logname);                         // retrieve existing one
    if (sp == nullptr) sp = spdlog::r_sink_mt(logname);     // or create new one if needed
    spdlog::set_default_logger(sp);                         // and set as default

    spdlog::stopwatch sw;                                   // instantiate a stop watch

    // change log pattern (changed from [%H:%M:%S %z] [%n] [%^---%L---%$] )
    spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%f] [%n] [%^%L%$] [thread %t] %v");

    spdlog::info("Welcome to spdlog!");
    spdlog::error("Some error message with arg: {}", 1);
    spdlog::info("Elapsed time: {}", sw);

    spdlog::warn("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
    spdlog::critical("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
    spdlog::info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
    spdlog::info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");
    spdlog::info("{:<30}", "left aligned");
    spdlog::info("Elapsed time: {}", sw);


//' spdlog Logging Lever Setter
//' A helper function to turn a logging level given as string
//' into the current logging level
//' @param name A string with the logging level. Value understood are,
//' in decreasing verbosity \sQuote{trace}, \sQuote{debug}, \sQuote{info},
//' \sQuote{warning}, \sQuote{error}, \sQuote{critical}, and \sQuote{off}.
//' Unrecognised names are equivalent to \sQuote{off}.
//' @return Nothing is returned.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void setLogLevel(const std::string &name) {

The example file contains three key aspects to highlight: - use of the r_sink_mt() class for R-specific logger sink - use of the very convenient stopwatch object - use of logging levels

We highlight these below after first showing the relevant output:

R> exampleRsink()
[16:52:12.076751] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] Welcome to spdlog!
[16:52:12.076809] [fromR] [E] [thread 2453030] Some error message with arg: 1
[16:52:12.076823] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] Elapsed time: 9.6104e-05
[16:52:12.076833] [fromR] [W] [thread 2453030] Easy padding in numbers like 00000012
[16:52:12.076844] [fromR] [C] [thread 2453030] Support for int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010
[16:52:12.076853] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] Support for floats 1.23
[16:52:12.076871] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] Positional args are supported too..
[16:52:12.076879] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] left aligned
[16:52:12.076892] [fromR] [I] [thread 2453030] Elapsed time: 0.000167057

R-specific sink

spdlog has the ability to derive and sub-class sinks for logger. The RcppSpdlog package uses this feature to implement a sink using the Rcpp conduit Rcpp::Rcout instead of std::cout as it conveniently redirects to the R output stream. This class should be the default one for any R packages wanting to use spdlog while also passing R CMD check.

A second important aspect of the initial code in function exampleRsink() is how a named logging instance is requested. If none is found, a new one is instantiated. Next, this logger is made the default logger permitting convenient programmatic access via spdlog::.


A powerful (recent) feature of the include fmt library is the automatic formatting of timestamps and interval. As the code example shows, simply instantianting an object, here called sw, and referring to it later is all that takes.


A second utility function setLogLevel() is also provided. Usage is simple: after calling it with a given level, only message equal to it or higher are shown as the next example shows.

R> setLogLevel("error")
R> exampleRsink()
[16:54:12.666261] [fromR] [E] [thread 2453030] Some error message with arg: 1
[16:54:12.666286] [fromR] [C] [thread 2453030] Support for int: 42;  hex: 2a;  oct: 52; bin: 101010

By requestion level ‘error’, message of level ‘info’, ‘warning’ or ‘debug’ are suppressed but messages levels ‘error’ or ‘critical’ as shown as desired.

Fifth Example: Initialization

Package desiring to use RcppSpdlog can initialize its facilities during startup.

For that we first define a setup function

// this portmanteau include also defines the r_sink we use below, and which
// diverts all logging to R via the Rcpp::Rcout replacement for std::cout
#include <RcppSpdlog>

//' Set a new default logger for R
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void setDefault() {
    std::string logname = "fromR";                          // fix a name for this logger
    auto sp = spdlog::get(logname);                         // retrieve existing one
    if (sp == nullptr) sp = spdlog::r_sink_mt(logname);     // or create new one if needed
    sp->set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S.%f] [%^%L%$] %v");

We can then call this function during startup:

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

Sixth Example: Compile-time Selection

Of course, spdlog also supports a common usage paradigm with loggers in which the decision of whether to log or not is compile-time rather than run time. As this is typically implemented via macros, usage is via upper-case macros as well.

The following example shows a function with three different logging-level statements as well as a #define set such one and only one is shown. Similarly, code can contain debug or trace or info or … statements which would not appear in the actually loaded “production code” (or CRAN version) if the compile-time logging level define is set high enough.

// this portmanteau include also defines the r_sink we use below, and which
// diverts all logging to R via the Rcpp::Rcout replacement for std::cout
#include <RcppSpdlog>

// A define such as this could also be set in src/Makevars via a -D flag

// [[Rcpp::export]]
void demoInvisible() {
    Rcpp::Rcout << "Hello from demoInvisible, just to show we're being called...\n";

    // trace message via default logger
    SPDLOG_TRACE("Some trace message.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
    // debug message via default logger
    SPDLOG_DEBUG("Some debug message.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);
    // debug message via default logger
    SPDLOG_CRITICAL("Some critical message.. {} ,{}", 1, 3.23);

When a piece of code with such compile-time defines is used, we see the expected outcome. The following example uses default logger, and as the preceding section showed this can be set up to be the custom R sink:

R> Rcpp::sourceCpp("/tmp/rcppspdlog.cpp")  # plus a '// [[Rcpp:depends("RcppSpdlog")'
R> demoInvisible()
Hello from demoInvisible, just to show we're being called...
[08:44:48.198075] [fromR] [C] [thread 2453030] Some critical message.. 1 ,3.23


spdlog and the included fmt are two very powerful and widely used C++ libraries. The RcppSpdlog package adds to them to the set of packages R users can deploy. It is our hope that the examples shown here are of interest to R users who are looking for effortless, performant and flexible logging solutions for their compiled R extension packages.