Rcurvep 0.1.0
Rcurvep 0.2.0
- new: add diagnostic plot
- change: the separate the id parameters into endpoint and direction parameters in identify_basenoise_threshold()
Rcurvep 0.2.1
- change: TLOG(curvep.r) is to -24
Rcurvep 0.3
- new: simplify_output is added for run_curvep_job() to reduce the amount of output
- change: levels in curvep() is separated into ECxx, Cxx, and xx
- change: combine conc_hl to act function in extract_curvep_data()
- change: input column became a list of list structure
Rcurvep 0.3.1
- change: expose the p1 and p2 for identify_basenoise_threshold()
Rcurvep 0.4
- new: add modifier parameter for extract_curvep_data()
- new: add reparam_curvep_job() to recalculate based on run_curvep_job() complex output
Rcurvep 0.4.1
- new: add the abline line that is used to calculate distance in the diagnostic plot
- new: add generate_diagnostic_plot() and cal_exponential_inflection()
- new: add an comment (thresDistComment) that shows if the identified baseline threshold is usable
- change: thresCurva approach is removed
Rcurvep 0.5
- new: add a method to calculate the baseline noise threshold based on the exponential fitting (thresDist_exp column)
- new: statistical outputs from identify_basenoise_threshold() are reported ( y_exp_fit, y_lm_fit, dist2l_exp, cor_exp_fit, cor_lm_fit)
- change: identify_basenoise_threshold() output becomes a list instead of a tibble; first element contains the statistical data and the second element contains the baseline noise threshold information
- change: cal_exponential_inflection() is renamed as cal_knee_point()
- change: p1, p2 => p1_raw, p2_raw; dist2l => dist2l_raw
Rcurvep 0.5.1
- new: summarize_curvep_output() to get confidence interval of activities by bypassing the extract_curvep_data()
- change: use SSasymp to fit the exponential decay curve
Rcurvep 0.5.2
- change: fix comment_threshold()
Rcurvep 0.6.0
- new: print.rcurvep_thres_stats() -> print()
- change: run_curvep_job() -> run_curvep_batch()
- change: extract_curvep_data() -> withdraw.rcurvep_out_nested() -> withdraw()
- change: reparam_curvep_job() -> reparam.rcurvep_out_nested() -> reparam()
- change: extract_curvep_data(summary = TRUE) -> summary.rcurvep_out() -> summary()
- change: identify_basenoise_threshold() -> get_baseline_threshold()
- change: generate_diagnostic_plot() -> plot.rcurvep_thres_stats() -> plot()
Rcurvep 1.0.0
- new: a rewrite of the project
Rcurvep 1.0.1
- change: fix get_base_cols()
Rcurvep 1.1.0
- change fix a critical bug in curvep() related to the masking
Rcurvep 1.2.0
- new: allow to merge rcurvep objects, merge_rcurvep_objs()
- new: allow to inactivate curves by row index and add flag in comments
- new: add seed parameter in the curvep_defaults()
- new: allow to input seed in the combi_run_rcurvep()
- change: fix ECxx is missing when summarizing the bootstrap results of the fit
- implement stratified bootstrap
- figure out toJSON/fromJSON conversion