The goal of SIHR is to provide inference procedures in the high-dimensional setting for (1) linear functionals in generalized linear regression, (2) individual treatment effects in generalized linear regression (ITE), (3) quadratic functionals in generalized linear regression (QF).

Currently, we support different generalized linear regression, by specifying the argument model in “linear”, “logisitc”, “logistic_alternative” or “probit”.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


These are basic examples which show how to solve the common high-dimensional inference problems:


Linear functional in linear regression model - 1

Generate Data and find the truth linear functionals:

X = matrix(rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
y = -0.5 + X[,1] * 0.5 + X[,2] * 1 + rnorm(100)
loading1 = c(1, 1, rep(0, 118))
loading2 = c(-0.5, -1, rep(0, 118))
loading.mat = cbind(loading1, loading2)
## consider the intercept.loading=FALSE
truth1 = 0.5 * 1 + 1 * 1
truth2 = 0.5 * -0.5 + 1 * -1
truth = c(truth1, truth2)
#> [1]  1.50 -1.25

In the example, the linear functional does not involve the intercept term, so we set intercept.loading=FALSE (default). If users want to include the intercept term, please set intercept.loading=TRUE, such that truth1 = -0.5 + 1.5 = 1; truth2 = -0.5 - 1.25 = -1.75

Call LF with model="linear":

Est = LF(X, y, loading.mat, model="linear", intercept=TRUE, intercept.loading=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3

ci method for LF

#>   loading     lower     upper
#> 1       1  1.173659  1.602305
#> 2       2 -1.371465 -1.035460

summary method for LF

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Linear Functional
#> Estimators: 
#>  loading est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#>        1      1.158      1.388    0.10935   12.69 0.00e+00 ***
#>        2     -1.015     -1.203    0.08572  -14.04 8.88e-45 ***

Linear functional in linear regression model - 2

Sometimes, we may be interested in multiple linear functionals, each with a separate loading. To be computationally efficient, we can specify the argument beta.init first, so that the program can save time to compute the initial estimator repeatedly.

X = matrix(rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
y = -0.5 + X[,1:10] %*% rep(0.5, 10) + rnorm(100)
loading.mat = matrix(0, nrow=120, ncol=10)
for(i in 1:ncol(loading.mat)){
  loading.mat[i,i] =  1
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-4
cvfit = cv.glmnet(X, y, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, intercept = TRUE, standardize = T)
beta.init = as.vector(coef(cvfit, s = cvfit$lambda.min))

Call LF with model="linear":

Est = LF(X, y, loading.mat, model="linear", intercept=TRUE, beta.init=beta.init, verbose=TRUE)
#> Computing LF for loading (1/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (3/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 4 
#> Computing LF for loading (4/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (5/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (6/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (7/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (8/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 4 
#> Computing LF for loading (9/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (10/10)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3

ci method for LF

#>    loading     lower     upper
#> 1        1 0.1837947 0.5536739
#> 2        2 0.3506567 0.7000917
#> 3        3 0.3380023 0.7160656
#> 4        4 0.2034572 0.5375176
#> 5        5 0.3234705 0.6049655
#> 6        6 0.2150711 0.5599059
#> 7        7 0.3222297 0.6268434
#> 8        8 0.2275796 0.5680806
#> 9        9 0.5282958 0.8399946
#> 10      10 0.2308572 0.5459160

summary method for LF

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Linear Functional
#> Estimators: 
#>  loading est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
#>        1     0.2698     0.3687    0.09436   3.908 9.314e-05 ***
#>        2     0.4145     0.5254    0.08914   5.894 3.779e-09 ***
#>        3     0.4057     0.5270    0.09645   5.465 4.642e-08 ***
#>        4     0.2631     0.3705    0.08522   4.347 1.378e-05 ***
#>        5     0.3773     0.4642    0.07181   6.464 1.017e-10 ***
#>        6     0.2730     0.3875    0.08797   4.405 1.059e-05 ***
#>        7     0.3664     0.4745    0.07771   6.107 1.018e-09 ***
#>        8     0.2911     0.3978    0.08686   4.580 4.652e-06 ***
#>        9     0.5699     0.6841    0.07952   8.604 0.000e+00 ***
#>       10     0.2839     0.3884    0.08037   4.832 1.350e-06 ***

Linear functional in logistic regression model

Generate Data and find the truth linear functionals:

X = matrix(rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
exp_val = -0.5 + X[,1] * 0.5 + X[,2] * 1
prob = exp(exp_val) / (1+exp(exp_val))
y = rbinom(100, 1, prob)
## loadings
loading1 = c(1, 1, rep(0, 118))
loading2 = c(-0.5, -1, rep(0, 118))
loading.mat = cbind(loading1, loading2)
## consider the intercept.loading=TRUE
truth1 = 0.5 * 1 + 1 * 1
truth2 = 0.5 * -0.5 + 1 * -1
truth = c(truth1, truth2)
truth.prob = exp(truth) / (1 + exp(truth))
truth; truth.prob
#> [1]  1.50 -1.25
#> [1] 0.8175745 0.2227001

Call LF with model="logistic" or model="logistic_alternative":

## model = "logisitc" or "logistic_alternative"
Est = LF(X, y, loading.mat, model="logistic", verbose=TRUE)
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3

ci method for LF

## confidence interval for linear combination
#>   loading      lower      upper
#> 1       1  0.5806516  1.8170370
#> 2       2 -1.5701698 -0.5695987
## confidence interval after probability transformation
ci(Est, probability = TRUE)
#>   loading     lower     upper
#> 1       1 0.6412173 0.8602102
#> 2       2 0.1721922 0.3613294

summary method for LF

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Linear Functional
#> Estimators: 
#>  loading est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
#>        1     0.8116      1.199     0.3154   3.801 1.442e-04 ***
#>        2    -0.8116     -1.070     0.2553  -4.191 2.771e-05 ***

Individualized Treatment Effect in linear regression model

Generate Data and find the truth linear functionals:

## 1st data
X1 = matrix(rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
y1 = -0.5 + X1[,1] * 0.5 + X1[,2] * 1 + rnorm(100)
## 2nd data
X2 = matrix(0.8*rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
y2 = 0.1 + X2[,1] * 0.8 + X2[,2] * 0.8 + rnorm(100)
## loadings
loading1 = c(1, 1, rep(0, 118))
loading2 = c(-0.5, -1, rep(0, 118))
loading.mat = cbind(loading1, loading2)
truth1 = (0.5*1 + 1*1) - (0.8*1 + 0.8*1)
truth2 = (0.5*(-0.5) + 1*(-1)) - (0.8*(-0.5) + 0.8*(-1))
truth = c(truth1, truth2)
#> [1] -0.10 -0.05

Call ITE with model="linear":

Est = ITE(X1, y1, X2, y2, loading.mat, model="linear", verbose=TRUE)
#> Call: Inference for Linear Functional ======> Data 1/2 
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Call: Inference for Linear Functional ======> Data 2/2 
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3

ci method for ITE

#>   loading      lower     upper
#> 1       1 -0.4902385 0.2530740
#> 2       2 -0.3724087 0.2332782

summary method for ITE

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Treatment Effect
#> Estimators: 
#>  loading est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
#>        1    0.02711   -0.11858     0.1896 -0.6254   0.5317  
#>        2   -0.19236   -0.06957     0.1545 -0.4502   0.6526

Individualized Treatment Effect in logistic regression model

Generate Data and find the truth linear functionals:

## 1st data
X1 = matrix(rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
exp_val1 = -0.5 + X1[,1] * 0.5 + X1[,2] * 1
prob1 = exp(exp_val1) / (1 + exp(exp_val1))
y1 = rbinom(100, 1, prob1)
## 2nd data
X2 = matrix(0.8*rnorm(100*120), nrow=100, ncol=120)
exp_val2 = -0.5 + X2[,1] * 0.8 + X2[,2] * 0.8
prob2 = exp(exp_val2) / (1 + exp(exp_val2))
y2 = rbinom(100, 1, prob2)
## loadings
loading1 = c(1, 1, rep(0, 118))
loading2 = c(-0.5, -1, rep(0, 118))
loading.mat = cbind(loading1, loading2)
truth1 = (0.5*1 + 1*1) - (0.8*1 + 0.8*1)
truth2 = (0.5*(-0.5) + 1*(-1)) - (0.8*(-0.5) + 0.8*(-1))
truth = c(truth1, truth2) = function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
truth.prob1 =*1 + 1*1) -*1 + 0.8*1)
truth.prob2 =*(-0.5) + 1*(-1)) -*(-0.5) + 0.8*(-1))
truth.prob = c(truth.prob1, truth.prob2)

truth; truth.prob
#> [1] -0.10 -0.05
#> [1] -0.014443909 -0.008775078

Call ITE with model="logistic" or model="logisitc_alternative":

Est = ITE(X1, y1, X2, y2, loading.mat, model="logistic", verbose = TRUE)
#> Call: Inference for Linear Functional ======> Data 1/2 
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Call: Inference for Linear Functional ======> Data 2/2 
#> Computing LF for loading (1/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3 
#> Computing LF for loading (2/2)... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 3

ci method for ITE:

## confidence interval for linear combination
#>   loading      lower     upper
#> 1       1 -0.7585971 1.0153884
#> 2       2 -1.1008198 0.3515386
## confidence interval after probability transformation
ci(Est, probability = TRUE)
#>   loading      lower      upper
#> 1       1 -0.1395789 0.18680545
#> 2       2 -0.2272414 0.07275771

summary method for ITE:

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Treatment Effect
#> Estimators: 
#>  loading est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
#>        1     0.5292     0.1284     0.4526  0.2837   0.7766  
#>        2    -0.6787    -0.3746     0.3705 -1.0112   0.3119

Quadratic functional in linear regression

Generate Data and find the truth quadratic functionals:

A1gen <- function(rho, p){
  M = matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=p)
  for(i in 1:p) for(j in 1:p) M[i,j] = rho^{abs(i-j)}
Cov = A1gen(0.5, 150)
X = MASS::mvrnorm(n=200, mu=rep(0, 150), Sigma=Cov)
beta = rep(0, 150); beta[25:50] = 0.2
y = X%*%beta + rnorm(200)
test.set = c(40:60)
truth = as.numeric(t(beta[test.set])%*%Cov[test.set, test.set]%*%beta[test.set])
#> [1] 1.160078

Call QF with model="linear":

tau.vec = c(0, 0.5, 1)
Est = QF(X, y, G=test.set, A=NULL, model="linear", tau.vec=tau.vec, verbose=TRUE)
#> Computing QF... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 5

ci method for QF

#>   tau    lower    upper
#> 1 0.0 1.085530 1.738490
#> 2 0.5 1.071139 1.752881
#> 3 1.0 1.057332 1.766688

summary method for QF

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Quadratic Functional
#>  tau est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
#>  0.0      1.119      1.412     0.1666   8.477 0.000e+00 ***
#>  0.5      1.119      1.412     0.1739   8.119 4.441e-16 ***
#>  1.0      1.119      1.412     0.1810   7.803 5.995e-15 ***

Quadratic functional in logistic regression

Generate Data and find the truth quadratic functional

A1gen <- function(rho, p){
  M = matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=p)
  for(i in 1:p) for(j in 1:p) M[i,j] = rho^{abs(i-j)}
Cov = A1gen(0.5, 150)
X = MASS::mvrnorm(n=200, mu=rep(0, 150), Sigma=Cov)
beta = rep(0, 150); beta[25:50] = 0.2
exp_val = X%*%beta
prob = exp(exp_val) / (1+exp(exp_val))
y = rbinom(200, 1, prob)
test.set = c(40:60)
truth = as.numeric(t(beta[test.set]%*%Cov[test.set, test.set]%*%beta[test.set]))
#> [1] 1.160078

Call QF with model="logistic" or model="logisitc_alternative":

tau.vec = c(0, 0.5, 1)
Est = QF(X, y, G=test.set, A=NULL, model="logistic", tau.vec = tau.vec, verbose=TRUE)
#> Computing QF... 
#> ---> Direction is identified at step: 5

ci method for QF:

#>   tau     lower    upper
#> 1 0.0 0.7408816 1.983207
#> 2 0.5 0.7331988 1.990890
#> 3 1.0 0.7256086 1.998480

summary method for QF:

#> Call: 
#> Inference for Quadratic Functional
#>  tau est.plugin est.debias Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)    
#>  0.0     0.7146      1.362     0.3169   4.298 1.726e-05 ***
#>  0.5     0.7146      1.362     0.3208   4.245 2.184e-05 ***
#>  1.0     0.7146      1.362     0.3247   4.195 2.734e-05 ***