The SSDL package implements the Sketched Stochastic Dictionary Learning (SSDL) algorithm. The goal of this algorithm is to extract a set of the most repetitive patterns (a.k.a dictionary) from a large-scale dataset. SSDL method operates on a compressed data version referred to as a data sketch. The chickn package is used to carry out the data compression. SSDL operates with Filebacked Big Matrices (FBM) of bigstatsr package to store and to access to matrix-like data that cannot be loaded in memory. The package provides the dictionary initialization routines based on the TV norm criterion and on the Compressive Orthogonal Matching Pursuit method.


You can install the released version of SSDL from Gitlab with:

devtools::install_gitlab(repo = "Olga.Permiakova/ssdl")


This is a basic example which shows how to learn a dictionary using SSDL package:

# Convert data matrix into a Filebacked Big Matrix
X = matrix(abs(rnorm(n = 1000)), ncol = 100, nrow = 10)
X_fbm = bigstatsr::as_FBM(X, backingfile = file.path(tempdir(), 'X_fbm'))$save()
# Compute the data sketch
## Generate frequency matrix
m = 256 # number of the frequency vectors
out_freq = chickn::GenerateFrequencies(Data = X_fbm, m = m, N0 = ncol(X_fbm),
                                       ncores = 1, niter= 5, nblocks = 2, sigma_start = 0.001)
W = out_freq$W # the obtained frequency matrix
## Compute the data sketch
SK= chickn::Sketch(X_fbm, W)
# Initialize a dictionary 
D0 = X_fbm[,sample(ncol(X_fbm),20)]
# Apply SSDL
result = SSDL::CDL(SK_Data = SK, Data = X_fbm, Frequencies = W, K = 20,
                   D =D0, pos.dic = TRUE, maxEpoch = 4, batch_size = 20,
                   lambda = 0, learn_rate = 0.2, alpha = 0.9, gamma = 0.1, ncores = 2,
                   DIR_tmp = tempdir())
# Obtained dictionary                   
D = result$D