To cite the paper introducing the UPG package in publications please use:

Zens G, Frühwirth-Schnatter S, Wagner H (2020). “Efficient Bayesian Modeling of Binary and Categorical Data in R: The UPG Package.” arXiv preprint.

To cite the paper introducing the underyling methodology in publications please use:

Frühwirth-Schnatter S, Zens G, Wagner H (2020). “Ultimate Pólya Gamma Samplers - Efficient MCMC for possibly imbalanced binary and categorical data.” Technical Report 2011.06898, arXiv preprint.

To cite the UPG package directly please use:

Zens G, Frühwirth-Schnatter S, Wagner H (2020). UPG: Efficient Bayesian Models for Binary and Categorical Data.

BibTeX entries can be obtained using ‘toBibtex(citation("UPG"))’

Corresponding BibTeX entries:

    title = {Efficient Bayesian Modeling of Binary and Categorical Data
      in {R}: The {UPG} Package},
    author = {Gregor Zens and Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Helga
    year = {2020},
    institution = {arXiv preprint},
    title = {Ultimate Pólya Gamma Samplers - Efficient MCMC for
      possibly imbalanced binary and categorical data},
    author = {Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Gregor Zens and Helga
    year = {2020},
    institution = {arXiv preprint},
    number = {2011.06898},
    title = {{UPG}: {E}fficient Bayesian Models for Binary and
      Categorical Data},
    author = {Gregor Zens and Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Helga
    year = {2020},