Release updates
alced.api version 1.1.5
- Updated description based on GH issue #4
- Updated test-acled: “other.query works” time frame was empty
alced.api version 1.1.4
- Change of Maintainer email address to permanent address
- Set up support function export for conveniently retrieving region names and codes
- Added test for get.api.regions()
- 1 merge request by Rob Williams
- !4 More informative error messages (region & interaction mismatches)
- Other slight revisions to warning messages
alced.api version 1.1.3
- Resized README example data retrieval
- Updated region names and codes based on new ACLED API guide
- Bug fix in region call
- testthat time frame check adjustment
- testthat modules for region codes
- Updates to arguments access.key and email.address documentation
- Added support function module
- 1 merge request by Rob Williams
- !3 Bug fix: %20 instead of % for white spaces in country names
alced.api version 1.1.2
- 1 merge request by Rob Williams
- !2 Added filter argument “interaction”
- Added Rob Williams as ctb
- Minor revisions
- Updated example in documentation
- Added license badge
- Minor correction to unit tests
alced.api version 1.1.1
- Travis environment variables push
- 1 merge request by Rob Williams
- !1 Added unit tests
- Minor README update
alced.api version 1.1.0
- Improved error messages
- Dev link changes for GitLab switch
alced.api version 1.0.9
- Adjusted package documentation to address the issue of replicability
- Added the variable “timestamp” to the function’s default call
- Other minor DESCRIPTION and README adjustments
alced.api version 1.0.8
- Adjusted package to accommodate new ACLED access requirements. New arguments are:
- Allow for “graceful fail” if resource not available (accommodating CRAN policy)
- Minor README adjustments
alced.api version 1.0.7
- Removed LICENSE file based on CRAN recommendation
alced.api version 1.0.6
- Updated licensing to CC BY-NC 4.0 based on CRAN recommendation
alced.api version 1.0.5
- Updated licensing
- Bug fix in country argument to support country names containing whitespaces
alced.api version 1.0.4
- Updated licensing and added file LICENSE
- Minor description revisions
alced.api version 1.0.3
- Added functionality to retrieve individual countries in addition to regions
- Revised and updated argument information
- Revised argument names
- Added function details
- Revised and updated error messages and warnings
- Added error messages for bad requests/internet connection
alced.api version 1.0.2
- Added functionality: argument “regions” now also recognizes region names
- Link adjustments
- Removed argument “” due to redudancy
- Added automated numeric variable class recognition and conversion
- Added ACLED T&C to pkg load message
- Revised package and function descriptions
- Conducted more tests
- Revised readme, added badges
alced.api version 1.0.1
- Minor bug and spelling fixes
- Title renamed
- Example down-sized
alced.api version 1.0.0
- This package provides functionality to access and manage the application programming interface (API) of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) at
- Arguments included in the first package version:
- regions
- more.variables
- all.variables
- dyadic
- other.query