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ADaM in R Asset Library


To provide an open source, modularized toolbox that enables the pharmaceutical programming community to develop ADaM datasets in R.


The package is available from CRAN and can be installed by running install.packages("admiral").

To install the latest development version of the package directly from GitHub use the following code:

if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

remotes::install_github("pharmaverse/admiral.test", ref = "devel") # This is a required dependency of {admiral}
remotes::install_github("pharmaverse/admiral", ref = "devel")

Main Goal

Provide users with an open source, modularized toolbox with which to create ADaM datasets in R. As opposed to a “run 1 line and an ADaM appears” black-box solution or an attempt to automate ADaM.

One of the key aspects of {admiral} is its development by the users for the users. It gives an entry point for all to collaborate, co-create and contribute to a harmonised approach of developing ADaMs in R across the pharmaceutical industry.


To set expectations: It is not our target that {admiral} will ever provide all possible solutions for all ADaM datasets outside of study specific needs. It depends on the user’s collaboration and contribution to help grow over time to an asset library that is robust, easy to use and has an across-industry focus. We do not see a coverage of 100% of all ADaM derivations as ever achievable—ADaM is endless.

We will provide:

Types of Packages

There will be 3 foreseeable types of {admiral} packages:

Admiral Manifesto

For {admiral} and all extension packages, we prioritise providing our users with a simple to adopt toolkit that enables them to produce readable and easily constructible ADaM programs. The following explains our philosophy, which we try to adhere to across the {admiral} family of packages. There isn’t always a clear single, straightforward rule, but there are guiding principles we adhere to for {admiral}. This manifesto helps show the considerations of our developers when making decisions.

We have four design principles to achieve the main goal:


All {admiral} functions should be easy to use.


All {admiral} functions have a clear purpose.


All {admiral} functions are easily findable.


All {admiral} functions follow the Programming Strategy that all our developers and contributors must follow, so that all our code has a high degree of consistency and readability.

References and Documentation

Conference Presentations


We use the following for support and communications between user and developer community: