What are alluvial diagrams? See for example:
Alluvial diagram of datasets::Titanic
data made with alluvial()
. Notice how each category block becomes a stacked barchart showing relative frequency of survivors.
tit <- tibble::as_data_frame(Titanic)
tit %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()
Class | Sex | Age | Survived | n |
1st | Male | Child | No | 0 |
2nd | Male | Child | No | 0 |
3rd | Male | Child | No | 35 |
Crew | Male | Child | No | 0 |
1st | Female | Child | No | 0 |
2nd | Female | Child | No | 0 |
select(tit, Survived, Sex, Age, Class),
col = ifelse(tit$Survived == "Yes", "orange", "grey"),
border = ifelse(tit$Survived == "Yes", "orange", "grey"),
layer = tit$Survived != "Yes",
alpha = 0.8,
plot of chunk alluvial
Alluvial diagram for multiple time series / cross-sectional data based on alluvial::Refugees
data made with alluvial_ts()
Refugees %>% head() %>% knitr::kable()
country | year | refugees |
Afghanistan | 2003 | 2136043 |
Burundi | 2003 | 531637 |
Congo DRC | 2003 | 453465 |
Iraq | 2003 | 368580 |
Myanmar | 2003 | 151384 |
Palestine | 2003 | 350568 |
set.seed(39) # for nice colours
cols <- hsv(h = sample(1:10/10), s = sample(3:12)/15, v = sample(3:12)/15)
alluvial_ts(Refugees, wave = .3, ygap = 5, col = cols, plotdir = 'centred', alpha=.9,
grid = TRUE, grid.lwd = 5, xmargin = 0.2, lab.cex = .7, xlab = '',
ylab = '', border = NA, axis.cex = .8, leg.cex = .7,
title = "UNHCR-recognised refugees\nTop 10 countries (2003-13)\n")
plot of chunk alluvial_ts
Using "devtools" package: