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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.



A collection of classes that represent archaeological data. This package provides a set of S4 classes that represent different special types of matrix (absolute/relative frequency, presence/absence data, co-occurrence matrix, etc.) upon which package developers can build subclasses. It also provides a set of generic methods (mutators and coercion mechanisms) and functions (e.g. predicates). In addition, a few classes of general interest (e.g. that represent stratigraphic relationships) are implemented.


You can install the released version of arkhe from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


## Load the package

arkhe provides a set of S4 classes that represent different special types of matrix.

It assumes that you keep your data tidy: each variable (type/taxa) must be saved in its own column and each observation (assemblage/sample) must be saved in its own row.

These new classes are of simple use as they inherit from the base matrix:

## Define a count data matrix
## (data will be rounded to zero decimal places, then coerced with as.integer)
quanti <- CountMatrix(data = sample(0:10, 100, TRUE), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)

## Define a logical matrix
## (data will be coerced with as.logical)
quali <- IncidenceMatrix(data = sample(0:1, 100, TRUE), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)

arkhe uses coercing mechanisms (with validation methods) for data type conversions:

## Create a count matrix
X <- matrix(data = sample(0:10, 75, TRUE), nrow = 15, ncol = 5)

## Coerce to absolute frequencies
A1 <- as_count(X)

## Coerce to relative frequencies
B <- as_composition(A1)

## Row sums are internally stored before coercing to a frequency matrix
## (use get_totals() to get these values)
## This allows to restore the source data
A2 <- as_count(B)
all(A1 == A2)
#> [1] TRUE

## Coerce to presence/absence
D <- as_incidence(A1)

## Coerce to a co-occurrence matrix
E <- as_occurrence(A1)

The CountMatrix, CompositionMatrix and IncidenceMatrix classes have special slots:

The way chronological information is handled is somewhat opinionated. Sub-annual precision is overkill/meaningless in most situations: dates are assumed to be expressed in years CE and are stored as integers (values are coerced with as.integer() and hence truncated towards zero).

When coercing a data.frame to a *Matrix object, an attempt is made to automatically assign values to these slots by mapping column names. This behavior can be disabled by setting options(arkhe.autodetect = FALSE).

Y <-
Y$samples <- sample(c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), 15, TRUE)
Y$groups <- sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), 15, TRUE)
Y$dates <- sample(1400:1451, 15, TRUE)
Y$tpq <- sample(1301:1400, 15, TRUE) # TPQ
Y$taq <- sample(1451:1500, 15, TRUE) # TAQ

## Coerce to a count matrix
Z <- as_count(Y)

## Get groups
#>  [1] "d" "a" "b" "e" "b" "e" "b" "d" "e" "d" "d" "e" "e" "e" "a"

## Get groups
#>  [1] "A" "E" "A" "B" "A" "D" "A" "E" "D" "B" "E" "D" "A" "A" "C"

## Get dates
#>  [1] 1442 1449 1431 1439 1429 1411 1400 1439 1437 1440 1444 1418 1450 1436 1427

## Get chronology
#>        tpq  taq
#> row1  1302 1486
#> row2  1346 1496
#> row3  1349 1456
#> row4  1372 1485
#> row5  1370 1495
#> row6  1318 1455
#> row7  1389 1467
#> row8  1377 1488
#> row9  1346 1462
#> row10 1308 1487
#> row11 1362 1464
#> row12 1400 1451
#> row13 1312 1464
#> row14 1316 1483
#> row15 1332 1468

## Summarize
#> <AbundanceSummary: 15 x 5>
#> A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> * Observations: 6
#> * Variables: 5
#> * Replicated measurements: TRUE
#> * Chronology: 1302 - 1495 (year CE)
#> B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> * Observations: 2
#> * Variables: 5
#> * Replicated measurements: FALSE
#> * Chronology: 1308 - 1487 (year CE)
#> C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> * Observation: 1
#> * Variables: 5
#> * Replicated measurements: FALSE
#> * Chronology: 1332 - 1468 (year CE)
#> D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> * Observations: 3
#> * Variables: 5
#> * Replicated measurements: TRUE
#> * Chronology: 1318 - 1462 (year CE)
#> E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> * Observations: 3
#> * Variables: 5
#> * Replicated measurements: TRUE
#> * Chronology: 1346 - 1496 (year CE)
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Please note that the arkhe project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.