This vignette shows some examples how to set up different inference models in babette
For all examples, do load babette
All these examples check that BEAST2
is installed at the default location at /home/richel/.local/share/beast/lib/launcher.jar. If this is not the case, we will use some fabricated output:
posterior <- create_test_bbt_run_output()
posterior$anthus_aco_sub_trees <- posterior$anthus_aco_trees
#> [1] "estimates" "anthus_aco_trees" "operators"
#> [4] "output" "anthus_aco_sub_trees"
All examples read the alignment from a FASTA file (usually my_fasta.fas
Instead of a full run, the MCMC chain length is shortened to 10K states, with a measurement every 1K states:
We will re-create this MCMC setup, as doing so initializes it with new filenames for temporary files. These temporary files should not exist before a run and should exist after a run. Sure, there is the option to overwrite…
Using all default settings, only specify a DNA alignment.
Example #1: all default
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
All other parameters are set to their defaults, as in BEAUti.
Example #2: using an MRCA prior to specify a crown age
An alternative is to date the node of the most recent common ancestor of all taxa.
Create the MCMC:
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
mcmc = mcmc,
mrca_prior = create_mrca_prior(
taxa_names = sample(get_taxa_names(fasta_filename), size = 3),
alignment_id = get_alignment_id(fasta_filename),
is_monophyletic = TRUE,
mrca_distr = create_normal_distr(
mean = 15.0,
sigma = 0.025
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Here we use an MRCA prior with fixed (non-estimated) values of the mean and standard deviation for the common ancestor node’s time.
Example #3: JC69 site model
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
site_model = create_jc69_site_model(),
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Example #4: Relaxed clock log normal
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
clock_model = create_rln_clock_model(),
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Example #5: Birth-Death tree prior
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
tree_prior = create_bd_tree_prior(),
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Example #6: Yule tree prior with a normally distributed birth rate
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
tree_prior = create_yule_tree_prior(
birth_rate_distr = create_normal_distr(
mean = 1.0,
sigma = 0.1
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Thanks to Yacine Ben Chehida for this use case
Example #7: HKY site model with a non-zero proportion of invariants
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
site_model = create_hky_site_model(
gamma_site_model = create_gamma_site_model(prop_invariant = 0.5)
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Thanks to Yacine Ben Chehida for this use case
Example #8: Strict clock with a known clock rate
if (is_beast2_installed()) {
inference_model <- create_inference_model(
clock_model = create_strict_clock_model(
clock_rate_param = 0.5
mcmc = mcmc
beast2_options <- create_beast2_options()
posterior <- bbt_run_from_model(
fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
inference_model = inference_model,
beast2_options = beast2_options
#> [1] TRUE
Thanks to Paul van Els and Yacine Ben Chehida for this use case.