Simple random selection of training and testing folds in the structured environment leads to an underestimation of error in the evaluation of spatial predictions and may result in inappropriate model selection (Telford and Birks, 2009; Roberts et al., 2017). The use of spatial and environmental blocks to separate training and testing sets has been suggested as a good strategy for realistic error estimation in datasets with dependence structures, and more generally as a robust method for estimating the predictive performance of models used to predict mapped distributions (Roberts et al., 2017). Package blockCV
provides functions to separate train and test sets using buffers, spatial and environmental blocks. It provides several options for how those blocks are constructed. It also has a function that applies geostatistical techniques to investigate the existing level of spatial autocorrelation in the covariates to inform the choice of a suitable distance band by which to separate the data sets. In addition, some visualization tools are provided to help the user choose the block size and explore generated folds. The package has been written with Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) in mind, and the functions allow for a number of common scenarios (including presence-absence and presence-background species data, rare and common species, raster data for predictor variables). Although it can be applied to any spatial modelling e.g. multi-class responses for remote sensing image classification.
You can find more information about blocking strategies of blockCV package and in general block cross-validation technique in the package associated paper here.
This document presents the main functions of the package and illustrates its usage with three examples: modelling using randomForest, maxnet (new implementation of Maxent software in R) and biomod2 packages.
The blockCV
is available in CRAN and the latest update can also be downloaded from GitHub. It is recommended to install the dependencies of the package. To install the package use:
# install stable version from CRAN
install.packages("blockCV", dependencies = TRUE)
# install latest update from GitHub
::install_github("rvalavi/blockCV", dependencies = TRUE) remotes
# loading the package
The package contains the raw format of the following data:
)These data are used to illustrate how the package is used. The raster data include several bioclimatic and topographic variables from Australian Wet Tropic region aggregated to 800 m resolution. The species data contains records of a species, simulated based on the above environmental variables for the region. There are two .csv
files with presence-absence and presence-background data.
To load the package raster data use:
# loading raster library
# import raster data
raster::brick(system.file("extdata", "awt.grd", package = "blockCV")) awt <-
The presence absence species data include 116 presence points and 138 absence points. The appropriate format of species data for the blockCV
package is simple features (sf
) or SpatialPointsDataFrame
. We convert the data.frame
to sf
as follows:
# import presence-absence species data
read.csv(system.file("extdata", "PA.csv", package = "blockCV"))
PA <-# make a SpatialPointsDataFrame object from data.frame
st_as_sf(PA, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = crs(awt))
pa_data <-# see the first few rows
## Simple feature collection with 254 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 262415.8 ymin: 7827168 xmax: 495215.8 ymax: 8300768
## CRS: PROJCRS["unknown",
## BASEGEOGCRS["unknown",
## DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
## ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],
## ID["EPSG",6326]],
## PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
## ID["EPSG",8901]]],
## CONVERSION["UTM zone 55S",
## METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
## ID["EPSG",9807]],
## PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
## ID["EPSG",8801]],
## PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",147,
## ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
## ID["EPSG",8802]],
## PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,
## SCALEUNIT["unity",1],
## ID["EPSG",8805]],
## PARAMETER["False easting",500000,
## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],
## ID["EPSG",8806]],
## PARAMETER["False northing",10000000,
## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],
## ID["EPSG",8807]],
## ID["EPSG",17055]],
## CS[Cartesian,2],
## AXIS["(E)",east,
## ORDER[1],
## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,
## ID["EPSG",9001]]],
## AXIS["(N)",north,
## ORDER[2],
## LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,
## ID["EPSG",9001]]]]
## First 10 features:
## Species geometry
## 1 1 POINT (363215.8 8041568)
## 2 1 POINT (352815.8 8062368)
## 3 1 POINT (356815.8 8104768)
## 4 1 POINT (314415.8 8175168)
## 5 1 POINT (356815.8 8028768)
## 6 1 POINT (352015.8 8029568)
## 7 1 POINT (370415.8 8067968)
## 8 1 POINT (435215.8 7878368)
## 9 1 POINT (359215.8 8084768)
## 10 1 POINT (431215.8 7880768)
# plot species data on the map
plot(awt[[1]]) # plot raster data
plot(pa_data[which(pa_data$Species==1), ], pch = 16, col="red", add=TRUE) # add presence points
plot(pa_data[which(pa_data$Species==0), ], pch = 16, col="blue", add=TRUE) # add absence points
legend(x=500000, y=8250000, legend=c("Presence","Absence"), col=c(2, 4), pch=c(16,16), bty="n")
The presence background data include 116 presence points and 10,000 random background points (0s here).
# import presence-background species data
read.csv(system.file("extdata", "PB.csv", package = "blockCV"))
PB <-# make a SpatialPointsDataFrame object from data.frame
st_as_sf(PB, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = crs(awt))
pb_data <-# number of presence and background records
## 0 1
## 10000 116
The function spatialBlock
creates spatially separated folds based on a pre-specified distance (cell size of the blocks). It then assigns blocks to the training and testing folds with random, checkerboard pattern or in a systematic manner. Another blocking strategy provided by this function is to divide the study area into vertical or horizontal bins of a given number of rows/colmuns, as used by Bahn & McGill (2013) and Wenger & Olden (2012) respectively.
To keep the consistency with other functions, the distance (theRange
) should be in metres, regardless of the unit of the reference system of the input data. When the input map has geographic coordinate system (decimal degrees), the block size is calculated based on dividing theRange
by 111325 (the standard distance of a degree in metres, on the Equator) to change metre to degree. This value can be changed by the user via the degMetre
The xOffset
and yOffset
can be used to shift the spatial position of the blocks in horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. This only works when the block have been built based on theRange
. The blocks
argument allows users to define an external spatial polygon as blocking layer. The polygon layer must cover all the species points. In addition, blocks can be masked by species spatial data. This option keeps the blocks that cover species data and remove the rest.
# spatial blocking by specified range with random assignment
spatialBlock(speciesData = pa_data,
sb <-species = "Species",
rasterLayer = awt,
theRange = 70000, # size of the blocks
k = 5,
selection = "random",
iteration = 100, # find evenly dispersed folds
biomod2Format = TRUE,
xOffset = 0, # shift the blocks horizontally
yOffset = 0)
## The best folds was in iteration 69:
## train_0 train_1 test_0 test_1
## 1 97 104 41 12
## 2 117 103 21 13
## 3 112 103 26 13
## 4 115 57 23 59
## 5 111 97 27 19
# spatial blocking by rows and columns with checkerboard assignment
spatialBlock(speciesData = pb_data, # presence-background data
sb2 <-species = "Species",
rasterLayer = awt,
rows = 5,
cols = 6,
k = 5,
selection = "systematic",
biomod2Format = TRUE)
## train_0 train_1 test_0 test_1
## 1 8067 99 1933 17
## 2 6881 105 3119 11
## 3 8913 110 1087 6
## 4 7913 46 2087 70
## 5 8226 104 1774 12
The assignment of folds to each block can also be done in a systematic manner using selection = "systematic"
# spatial blocking by rows with systematic assignment
spatialBlock(speciesData = pa_data,
sb3 <-species = "Species",
rasterLayer = awt,
rows = 6,
selection = "checkerboard",
biomod2Format = TRUE)
## train_0 train_1 test_0 test_1
## 1 58 64 80 52
## 2 80 52 58 64
For visualising the species data on top of the spatial blocks, one can use geom_sf
function of the ggplot2
package. However, a more sophisticated way of plotting each fold separately is presented in the visualisation tools section.
# adding points on saptialBlock plot
$plots + geom_sf(data = pa_data, alpha = 0.5) sb
The function buffering
generates spatially separated training and testing folds by considering buffers of specified distance around each observation point. This approach is a form of leave-one-out cross-validation. Each fold is generated by excluding nearby observations around each testing point within the specified distance (ideally the range of spatial autocorrelation). In this method the test set never directly abuts a training presence or absence.
When working with presence-background (presence and pseudo-absence) data (specified by spDataType
argument), only presence records are used for specifying the folds. Consider a target presence point. The buffer is defined around this target point, using the specified range (theRange
). The testing fold comprises the target presence point and all background points within the buffer. Any non-target presence points inside the buffer are excluded. All points (presence and background) outside of buffer are used for training set. The method cycles through all the presence data, so the number of folds is equal to the number of presence points in the dataset.
For presence-absence data, folds are created based on all records, both presences and absences. As above, a target observation (presence or absence) forms a test point, all presence and absence points other than the target point within the buffer are ignored, and the training set comprises all presences and absences outside the buffer. Apart from the folds, the number of training-presence, training-absence, testing-presence and testing-absence records is stored and returned in the records
table. If species = NULL
(no column with 0s and 1s is defined), the procedure is like presence-absence data. All other types of data (continuous, count or multi-class response) should be used like this.
# buffering with presence-absence data
buffering(speciesData = pa_data,
bf1 <-theRange = 70000,
species = "Species", # to count the number of presences and absences/backgrounds
spDataType = "PA", # presence-absence data type
progress = TRUE)
In the following buffering
example, presence-background data are used. As explained above, by default the background data within any target point will remain in the testing fold. This can be changed by setting addBG = FALSE
(this option only works when spDataType = "PB"
; note the default value is "PA"
# buffering with presence-background data
buffering(speciesData = pb_data, # presence-background data
bf2 <-theRange = 70000,
species = "Species",
spDataType = "PB", # presence-background data type
addBG = TRUE, # add background data to testing folds
progress = TRUE)
The function envBlock
uses clustering methods to specify sets of similar environmental conditions based on the input covariates. Species data corresponding to any of these groups or clusters are assigned to a fold.
As k-means algorithms use Euclidean distance to estimate clusters, the input covariates should be quantitative variables. Since variables with wider ranges of values might dominate the clusters and bias the environmental clustering (Hastie et al., 2009), all the input rasters are first standardized within the function. This is done either by normalizing based on subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of each raster (the default) or optionally by standardizing using linear scaling to constrain all raster values between 0
and 1
. By default, the clustering is done in the raster space. In this approach, the clusters will be consistent throughout the region and across species (in the same region). However, this may result in cluster(s) that cover none of the species records especially when species data is not dispersed throughout the region or the number of clusters (k
or folds) is high. In this case, the number of folds is less than the specified k
. If rasterBlock = FALSE
, the clustering will be done based only on the values of the predictors at the species presence and absence/background points. In this case, and the number of the folds will be the same as k
Note that the input raster layer should cover all the species points, otherwise an error will rise. The records with no raster value should be deleted prior to the analysis.
# environmental clustering
envBlock(rasterLayer = awt,
eb <-speciesData = pa_data,
species = "Species",
k = 5,
standardization = "standard", # rescale variables between 0 and 1
rasterBlock = FALSE,
numLimit = 50)
To support a first choice of block size, prior to any model fitting, package blockCV
includes the option for the user to look at the existing autocorrelation in the predictors, as an indication of landscape spatial structure in their study area. The tool does not suggest any absolute solution to the problem, but serves as a guide to the user. The function works by automatically fitting variograms to each continuous raster and finding the effective range of spatial autocorrelation. Variogram is a fundamental geostatistical tool for measuring spatial autocorrelation. It does so by assessing variability between all pairs of points (O’Sullivan and Unwin, 2010). It provides information about the effective range of spatial autocorrelation which is the range over which observations are independent.
spatialAutoRange(rasterLayer = awt,
sac <-sampleNumber = 5000,
doParallel = TRUE,
showPlots = TRUE)
The plotted block size is based on the median of the spatial autocorrelation ranges. This could be as the minimum block size for creating spatially separated folds. Variograms are computed taking a number of random points (5000
as default) from each input raster file, using parallel processing to speed up the computation (optional). The variogram fitting procedure is done using automap package (Hiemstra et al., 2009), using the isotropic variogram and assuming the data meets the geostatistical criteria e.g. stationarity.
The output object of this function is an SpatialAutoRange
object, an object of class S3.
# class of the output result
## [1] "SpatialAutoRange"
To see the details of the fitted variograms:
# summary statistics of the output
## Summary statistics of spatial autocorrelation ranges of all input layers:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 9278 27969 65910 75000 81336 269950
## layers range
## 9 slope 9277.937
## 3 bc05 15884.125
## 1 bc01 22124.804
## 5 bc12 45502.306
## 7 bc20 64367.992
## 4 bc06 67451.760
## 2 bc04 73836.980
## 6 bc17 83836.182
## 10 topo 97769.996
## 8 bc33 269950.183
To visualise them (this needs the automap package to be loaded):
Package blockCV
provides two major visualisation tools for graphical exploration of the generated folds and assisting in block size selection. These tools have been developed as local web applications using R-package shiny
. With rangeExplorer
, the user can choose among block sizes in a specified range, visualise the resulting blocks interactively, viewing the impact of block size on number and arrangement of blocks in the landscape (and optionally on the distribution of species data in those blocks). The foldExplorer
tool displays folds and the number of records in each fold; it works for all three blocking methods.
# explore generated folds
foldExplorer(blocks = sb,
rasterLayer = awt,
speciesData = pa_data)
# explore the block size
rangeExplorer(rasterLayer = awt) # the only mandatory input
# add species data to add them on the map
rangeExplorer(rasterLayer = awt,
speciesData = pa_data,
species = "Species",
rangeTable = NULL,
minRange = 30000, # limit the search domain
maxRange = 100000)
Note that the interactive plots cannot be shown here, as they require opening an external window or web browser. When using rangeExplorer
, slide to the selected block size, and click Apply Changes to change the block size.
In this section, we show how to use the folds generated by blockCV
in the previous sections for the evaluation of species distribution models constructed on the species data available in the package. The blockCV
stores training and testing folds in three different formats. The common format for all three blocking strategies is a list of the id of observations in each fold. For spatialBlock
and envBlock
(but not buffering
), the folds are also stored in a matrix format suitable for the biomod2
package and a vector of fold’s number for each observation. This is equal to the number of observation in species spatial data. These three formats are stored in the blocking objects as folds
, biomodTable
and foldID
respectively. We show three modelling examples which cover both the use of presence-absence and presence-background methods.
The code below shows how to evaluate a presence-background model, where maxnet
package is used for model fitting. maxnet
is a newly developed package by Phillips et. al., (2017) to model species distributions from occurrences and environmental variables, using glmnet
for model fitting. The maxnet
package is the implementation of Maxent software in R
programming language.
# loading the libraries
# library(ggplot2)
# extract the raster values for the species points as a dataframe
raster::extract(awt, pb_data)
mydata <-
mydata <-# create a vector of 1 (for presence) and 0 (for background samples)
pb <-
# extract the folds in spatialBlock object created
# in the previous section (with presence-background data)
# the foldID only works for spatialBlock and envBlock folds
folds <-
# create an empty vector to store the AUC of each fold
vector(mode = "numeric")
AUCs <-for(k in seq_len(5)){
# extracting the training and testing indices
# this way only works with foldID
which(folds != k) # training set indices
trainSet <- which(folds == k) # testing set indices
testSet <-# fitting a maxent model using linear, quadratic and hinge features
maxnet(p = pb[trainSet],
mx <-data = mydata[trainSet, ],
maxnet.formula(p = pb[trainSet],
data = mydata[trainSet, ],
classes = "default"))
pb_data[testSet, ] # a table for testing predictions and reference data
testTable <-$pred <- predict(mx, mydata[testSet, ], type = "cloglog") # predict the test set
testTable# calculate area under the ROC curve
evalmod(scores = testTable$pred, labels = testTable$Species)
precrec_obj <- auc(precrec_obj)[1,4] # extract AUC-ROC
AUCs[k] <-
# print the mean of AUCs
## [1] 0.8664762
In the second example, we use blocking for evaluating a presence-absence model created using the Random Forest algorithm. Folds generated by buffering
function are used here (a training and testing fold for each record).
Note that with buffering
using presence-absence data or with species = NULL
, there is only one point in each testing fold, and therefore AUC cannot be calculated for each fold separately. Instead, the value of each point is first predicted, and then a unique AUC is calculated for the full set of predictions.
# loading the libraries
# extract the raster values for the species points as a dataframe
raster::extract(awt, pa_data, df = TRUE)
mydata <-# adding species column to the dataframe
$Species <- as.factor(pa_data$Species)
mydata# remove extra column (ID)
mydata <-
# extract the fold indices from buffering object
# created in the previous section
# the folds (list) works for all three blocking strategies
folds <-
# create a data.frame to store the prediction of each fold (record)
testTable <-$pred <- NA
for(k in seq_len(length(folds))){
# extracting the training and testing indices
# this way works with folds list (but not foldID)
unlist(folds[[k]][1]) # training set indices
trainSet <- unlist(folds[[k]][2]) # testing set indices
testSet <- randomForest(Species~., mydata[trainSet, ], ntree = 250) # model fitting on training set
rf <-$pred[testSet] <- predict(rf, mydata[testSet, ], type = "prob")[,2] # predict the test set
# calculate Area Under the ROC and PR curves and plot the result
evalmod(scores = testTable$pred, labels = testTable$Species)
precrec_obj <-
Package biomod2
(Thuiller et al., 2017) is a commonly used platform for modelling species distributions in an ensemble framework. In this example, we show how to use blockCV
folds in biomod2
. In this example, the DataSplitTable
generated by spatialBlock
is used to evaluate three modelling methods implemented in biomod2
. The DataSplitTable
can be generated by both spatialBlock
and envBlock
functions and it is stored as biomodTable
in their output objects.
# loading the library
# species occurrences
read.csv(system.file("extdata", "PA.csv", package = "blockCV"))
DataSpecies <-# the name of studied species
myRespName <-# the presence/absences data for our species
myResp <-# the XY coordinates of species data
myRespXY <-# change the RasterBrick to RasterStack
awt <-
# 1. Formatting Data
BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
myBiomodData <-expl.var = awt, # explanatory raster data
resp.xy = myRespXY, = myRespName,
na.rm = TRUE)
# 2. Defining the folds for DataSplitTable
# note that biomodTable should be used here not folds
# use generated folds from spatialBlock in previous section
DataSplitTable <-
# 3. Defining Models Options using default options.
myBiomodOption <-
# 4. Model fitting
BIOMOD_Modeling( myBiomodData,
myBiomodModelOut <-models = c('GLM','MARS','GBM'),
models.options = myBiomodOption,
DataSplitTable = DataSplitTable, # blocking folds
VarImport = 0,
models.eval.meth = c('ROC'),
# 5. Model evaluation
# get all models evaluation
myBiomodModelEval <-"ROC","",,,] myBiomodModelEval[
Note that the result of this section (biomod model evaluation) is not shown.
Bahn, V., & McGill, B. J. (2012). Testing the predictive performance of distribution models. Oikos, 122(3), 321–331.
Hiemstra, P. H., Pebesma, E. J., Twenhöfel, C. J., & Heuvelink, G. B. (2009). Real-time automatic interpolation of ambient gamma dose rates from the Dutch radioactivity monitoring network. Computers & Geosciences, 35(8), 1711–1721.
Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2009). The elements of statistical learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (2nd ed., Vol. 1). Springer series in statistics New York.
O’Sullivan, D., & Unwin, D. J. (2010). Geographic Information Analysis (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Phillips, S. J., Anderson, R. P., Dudík, M., Schapire, R. E., & Blair, M. E. (2017). Opening the black box: an open-source release of Maxent. Ecography.
Roberts, D.R., Bahn, V., Ciuti, S., Boyce, M.S., Elith, J., Guillera-Arroita, G., Hauenstein, S., Lahoz-Monfort, J.J., Schröder, B., Thuiller, W., others, 2017. Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure. Ecography. 40: 913-929.
Telford, R. J., & Birks, H. J. B. (2009). Evaluation of transfer functions in spatially structured environments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(13), 1309–1316.
Thuiller, W., Georges, D., Engler, R., & Breiner, F. (2017). biomod2: Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling. R package version 3.3-7.
Valavi R, Elith J, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Guillera-Arroita G. blockCV: An R package for generating spatially or environmentally separated folds for k-fold cross-validation of species distribution models. Methods Ecol Evol. 2019; 10:225–232. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13107