knit_by_pkgdown <- !is.null(knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.retina"))
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, error = FALSE, echo = TRUE)
Here, I try to demonstrate that we can also use the metadata generated by Qualtrics. Because I am not a Qualtrics user, the developer of the qualtRics
R package sent me two example files, one of data and one for metadata, which I use here. Usually, you’d import these files directly via his package.
# library(qualtRics) # currently not on CRAN, so commented out
results <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "ryan.rds", package = "codebook"))
metadata_ex <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "metadata.rds", package = "codebook"))
Now, we want the metadata not to be just independent of the data frame. It’s easier to change metadata if it is in the form of a list at the dataset level, so let’s use rio::gather_attrs
for that.
## Q7
## "How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university?"
Now, we can loop over the metadata list and put it in the right shape to become attributes. This means given each element the name of the variable it refers to.
We only want the questions that we have data for.
Now, we assign our metadata list to the attributes of the data.frame.
init <- vector("list", ncol(results))
names(init) <- names(results)
attributes(results)$item <- init
attributes(results)$item[qs] <- metadata_ex$questions[qs]
And use rio to put the attributes on the question level again.
To keep this example, we select a subset of variables.
results <- results %>% select(ResponseSet, Q7, Q10)
if (!knit_by_pkgdown) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
Please note, that we just reuse the metadata column names from Qualtrics. Standardising this across multiple survey providers would be great but requires more knowledge of Qualtrics than I have.
## No missing values.
Dataset name: MOCK Qualtrics dataset
a MOCK dataset used to show how to import Qualtrics metadata into the codebook R package
Metadata for search engines
Temporal Coverage: 2018
Spatial Coverage: Nowhere
Identifier: doi:10.5281/zenodo.1326520
Date published: 2018-08-01
name | value |
@type | Person |
givenName | Ruben |
familyName | Arslan | | |
affiliation | list(@type = “Organization”, name = “MPI Human Development, Berlin”) |
Distribution of values for ResponseSet
0 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | empty | min | max | whitespace |
ResponseSet | ResponseSet | character | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 20 | 0 |
How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university?
Distribution of values for Q7
0 missing values.
name | label | type | data_type | ordered | value_labels | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | top_counts | selector | subSelector | questionText | doesForceResponse | questionName |
Q7 | How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university? | MC | factor | TRUE | 1. Extremely reasonable, 2. Moderately reasonable, 3. Slightly reasonable, 4. Neither reasonable nor unreasonable, 5. Slightly unreasonable, 6. Moderately unreasonable, 7. Extremely unreasonable |
0 | 1 | 2 | Mod: 1, Sli: 1, Ext: 0, Nei: 0 | SAVR | TX | How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university? | FALSE | Q7 |
type | selector | subSelector | questionText | doesForceResponse | questionName |
MC | SAVR | TX | How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university? | FALSE | Q7 |
name | value |
1 | list(recode = “1”, description = “Extremely reasonable”, choiceText = “Extremely reasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
2 | list(recode = “2”, description = “Moderately reasonable”, choiceText = “Moderately reasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
3 | list(recode = “3”, description = “Slightly reasonable”, choiceText = “Slightly reasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
4 | list(recode = “4”, description = “Neither reasonable nor unreasonable”, choiceText = “Neither reasonable nor unreasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
5 | list(recode = “5”, description = “Slightly unreasonable”, choiceText = “Slightly unreasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
6 | list(recode = “6”, description = “Moderately unreasonable”, choiceText = “Moderately unreasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
7 | list(recode = “7”, description = “Extremely unreasonable”, choiceText = “Extremely unreasonable”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center?
Distribution of values for Q10
0 missing values.
name | label | type | data_type | ordered | value_labels | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | top_counts | selector | subSelector | questionText | doesForceResponse | questionName |
Q10 | How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center? | MC | factor | TRUE | 1. Extremely helpful, 2. Moderately helpful, 3. Slightly helpful, 4. Neither helpful nor unhelpful, 5. Slightly unhelpful, 6. Moderately unhelpful, 7. Extremely unhelpful |
0 | 1 | 2 | Mod: 1, Ext: 1, Ext: 0, Sli: 0 | SAVR | TX | How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center? | FALSE | Q10 |
type | selector | subSelector | questionText | doesForceResponse | questionName |
MC | SAVR | TX | How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center? | FALSE | Q10 |
name | value |
1 | list(recode = “1”, description = “Extremely helpful”, choiceText = “Extremely helpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
2 | list(recode = “2”, description = “Moderately helpful”, choiceText = “Moderately helpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
3 | list(recode = “3”, description = “Slightly helpful”, choiceText = “Slightly helpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
4 | list(recode = “4”, description = “Neither helpful nor unhelpful”, choiceText = “Neither helpful nor unhelpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
5 | list(recode = “5”, description = “Slightly unhelpful”, choiceText = “Slightly unhelpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
6 | list(recode = “6”, description = “Moderately unhelpful”, choiceText = “Moderately unhelpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
7 | list(recode = “7”, description = “Extremely unhelpful”, choiceText = “Extremely unhelpful”, imageDescription = NULL, variableName = NULL, analyze = TRUE) |
name | type | data_type | ordered | value_labels | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | empty | top_counts | min | max | whitespace | ResponseSet | Q7 | selector | subSelector | questionText | doesForceResponse | questionName | Q10 | label |
ResponseSet | NA | character | NA | NA | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | NA | 20 | 20 | 0 | ResponseSet | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Q7 | MC | factor | TRUE | 1. Extremely reasonable, 2. Moderately reasonable, 3. Slightly reasonable, 4. Neither reasonable nor unreasonable, 5. Slightly unreasonable, 6. Moderately unreasonable, 7. Extremely unreasonable |
0 | 1 | 2 | NA | Mod: 1, Sli: 1, Ext: 0, Nei: 0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university? | SAVR | TX | How reasonable or unreasonable is the cost of courses/tuition at this university? | FALSE | Q7 | NA | NA |
Q10 | MC | factor | TRUE | 1. Extremely helpful, 2. Moderately helpful, 3. Slightly helpful, 4. Neither helpful nor unhelpful, 5. Slightly unhelpful, 6. Moderately unhelpful, 7. Extremely unhelpful |
0 | 1 | 2 | NA | Mod: 1, Ext: 1, Ext: 0, Sli: 0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | SAVR | TX | How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center? | FALSE | Q10 | How helpful or unhelpful is the staff at the on-campus health center? | NA |