is an R package that runs the competitiontoolbox RShiny web application, which is a browser-based user interface for functionality embedded in the antitrust and trade R packages.
provides researchers and practicioners with an easy-to-use interactive environment that introduces a variety of merger simulation models encountered in antitrust frameworks. The app provides a useful launching point for users interested in conducting their own merger simulation analyses.
The app allows users to
For more details concerning the models used in the app, consult the antitrust package vignette.
For more details concerning the numerical simulations included in the app, consult Taragin and Loudermilk (2019) and Sheu and Taragin (2020).
This will open the competitiontoolbox
web interface and the user will be greeted by the Introduction tab. Users may proceed to the Mergers, Trade, Numerical Simulations, or Other Resources tabs. All tabs are self-contained and provide directions on how to proceed.