Item Review Sheets produced using conquestr

Leigh Patterson


A number of libraries are required. This is becasue we will format some objects with our own R markdown.

Item Review Sheets produced using RMarkdown

This is an example of implementation of Item Review Sheets using RMarkdown and conquestr. We will use the default system file, analysis, and plots from the conquestr library. First we can read in the system file (output by ACER ConQuest). Item analysis (itanal) and iteration history are stored in the system file.

## no system file provided, loading the example system file instead

Output from plot files are stored separately in Rout files.

## no rout file provided, loading the example rout file instead

There are also helper functions to plot iteration history and Rout files.

Test Summary Information

Summary Statistics:

Percent Missing N Mean SD Variance Skew Kurtosis Standard error of mean Standard error of measurement Alpha
0.09 1000 8.43 2.42 5.84 -0.62 -0.12 0.08 1.43 0.65

Visual summary of convergence

Iteration history of item parameters.

Item 1 Summary

## 6 students selected response category M. This response category was scored 0. The point-biserial was -0.11. The students responding in this category had an average ability of  -0.90.
Item 1 Statistics:
item:1 (item one)
Category Score Count Percent Pt Bis Ability mean (D1) Ability SD (D1)
M 0 6 0.60 -0.11 -0.90 1.00
a 1 644 64.46 0.46 0.38 0.83
b 0 23 2.30 -0.08 -0.50 0.85
c 0 47 4.70 -0.20 -0.85 0.86
d 0 104 10.41 -0.24 -0.67 0.84
e 0 175 17.52 -0.22 -0.56 0.83
item-total 0.61
item-rest 0.46

Item 1 ICC:

Inserting red text for demo purposes.