detzrcr 0.3.1
- Fixed bug where the sample frequency summary overwrites data.
detzrcr 0.3.0
- Added Zenodo DOI.
- Added a simple About page with version number, and links to the detzrcr CRAN page, github repository and vignette
- The user-interface now uses Navbar.
- Changed table rendering to DataTable.
- 1-O table and 1-O plot do no longer ignore Hf-data.
- Automatic removal of non-numerical values in discordance-column should now work properly.
- Column names in input-data now ignore case (i.e. are forced to lower case).
- Fixed error where ymin and xmax in the confidence bounds for quantile plots were swapped.
- If no lower bound or upper bound for the lower quantile or upper quantile confidence bounds are found, the bounds now now default to 0 and 4560 Ma, respectively.
- Added option to display number of total analyses, number of concordant analyses and number of Hf analyses.
detzrcr 0.2.6
- Changed correlation average in reimink-calculation to median in accordance with what is actually stated in Reimink et al. (2016), JGS 173, 577-585.
- Fixed Windows-specific font warnings.
- Fixed issue where the last digit(s) of the upper limit label of the x-axis was not always shown.
- Changed ecdf-plot to plot as step function.
detzrcr 0.2.5
- Initial epsilon Hf as input data now works.
- Saving plots/tables automatically adds date and time to filenames to avoid overwriting. NB! Filenames still have to be manually fixed when using RStudio integrated browser on Windows.
- Sample names can now start with a number.
- Automatically removes rows with non-numerical values in discordance-column. The row numbers of removed rows are printed.
- Arguments can be passed through run_detzrcr to shiny::runApp.
detzrcr 0.2.4
- Fixed error in y-axis slider for Hf plot
- Added option for y-axis error bar for Hf plot
detzrcr 0.2.3
- Added option to use fixed y-axis in KDE/PDP plots
- Changed axis limit sliders to numeric input
detzrcr 0.2.2
- Added optional Hf errorbars
- Added bandwidth selection in Hf plot
detzrc 0.2.1
- Fixed misspelling in ECDF plot.
- Updated citation file.
- Maxima calculation in Reimink plot works
detzrcr 0.2.0
- Updated citation file.
- Added Reimink et al. (2016) intercept calculation and plot.
detzrcr 0.1.3
- Fixed error in likeness and 1-O tables occuring if in-data did not include Hf-data.
- Fixed display error of graphical 1-O table if not all categories are present in the data.
- Added vignette.
detzrcr 0.1.2
- Added option to specify x-axis breaks for plots.
- Fixed 1-O calculation.
- Added option to combine result matrices (U-Pb upper triangle and Lu-Hf lower triangle).
- Added graphical representation of 1-O matrix.
- Interpolate ecdfs over entire calculation range.
- Added plot options panel (only font options are included for now).
- In-data can now include empty cells.
detzrcr 0.1.1
- User interface now actually works.
detzrcr 0.1.0
- First release of the detzrcr package.