dplbnDE: An R package for discriminative parameter learning of bayesian networks by Differential Evolution

Implements Differential Evolution (DE) to train parameters of Bayesian Networks (BN) for optimizing the Conditional Log-Likelihood (Discriminative Learning) instead of the log-likelihood (Generative Learning). Any given BN structure encodes assumptions about conditional independencies among the attributes and will result in error if they do not hold in the data. Such an error includes the classification dimension. The main goal of Discriminative learning is minimize this type of error.


Make sure you have at least version 3.2.0 of R. You can get the current development version of dplbnDE from Github:

# install.packages('devtools')


Load a data set and learn parameters of a bayesian network with custom structure or one learned by naive bayes, tree augmented naive Bayes using Chow-Liu’s algorithm or Hill-climbing.

run.DEbest <- DEbest(NP=30, G=25, data = car, class.name = names(car)[7], crossover = "bin",
                mutation.pairs = 1, structure = "tan", F = 0.5, CR = 0.55,
                edgelist = NULL, verbose = 5)
#Gen:  5     CLL=  -1911.61      NP=  30 
#Gen:  10    CLL=  -1532.554     NP=  30 
#Gen:  15    CLL=  -1392.074     NP=  30 
#Gen:  20    CLL=  -1252.369     NP=  30 
#Gen:  25    CLL=  -1181.117     NP=  30 
#Number of evaluations:      780 
#Final population size:      30 
#Summary results of fitness in final population: 
#Best CLL:   -1181.117 
#Worst CLL:      -1251.721 
#Median:     -1218.063 
#Std. Dev.:      17.96752 


To learn parameters of a custom structure, load a matrix of sizes edges x 2. Where columns represents direction (from-to) of edges. Like the following matrix:

#     from       to        
#[1,] "class"    "buying"  
#[2,] "class"    "maint"   
#[3,] "class"    "doors"   
#[4,] "class"    "persons" 
#[5,] "class"    "lug_boot"
#[6,] "class"    "safety"  
#[7,] "maint"    "buying"  
#[8,] "lug_boot" "safety"

run.shade = lshade(NP=5, G=25, data = car, class.name = names(car)[7], c = 0.1,
             pB=0.05, edgelist = my_structure, verbose = 5)
#Gen:  5     CLL=  -1616.161     NP=  24 
#Gen:  10    CLL=  -1229.425     NP=  20 
#Gen:  15    CLL=  -1161.089     NP=  17 
#Gen:  20    CLL=  -1076.062     NP=  14 
#Gen:  25    CLL=  -1022.326     NP=  12 

#Number of evaluations:      519 
#Final population size:      12 
#Summary results of fitness in final population: 
#Best CLL:   -1022.326 
#Worst CLL:      -1132.318 
#Median:     -1081.651 
#Std. Dev.:      39.99802 


After the learning process, returned bayesian networks can be analyzed with bnclassify package.