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The goal of drawsample is to …


You can install the released version of drawsample from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("atalay-k/drawsample",dependencies = TRUE,upgrade = "never")


Same basic examples for the usage:

## basic example code
# Draw a sample based on Score_1(from negatively skewed to normal)
 draw_sample(dist=example_data[,c(1,2)],n=200,skew = 0,kurts = 0,
 output_name = c("sample", "1"))

#> $desc
#>               n  mean   sd min max  skew kurtosis
#> population 5000 14.61 4.90   0  25 -0.40    -0.35
#> reference   200 11.64 4.22   0  25  0.02     0.00
#> sample      200 12.15 4.19   1  25  0.07    -0.07
#> $sample
#> # A tibble: 200 x 2
#>       id     x
#>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  4371     1
#>  2  3087     2
#>  3  1197     2
#>  4  3814     2
#>  5   170     4
#>  6  4887     3
#>  7  4847     4
#>  8  4215     6
#>  9  2878     6
#> 10  1003     6
#> # ... with 190 more rows
#> $graph

# Draw a sample based on Score_2 (from negatively skewed to positively skewed)
 draw_sample(dist=example_data[,c(1,3)],n=200,skew = 1,kurts = 1,
 output_name = c("sample", "2"))

#> $desc
#>               n  mean   sd min max  skew kurtosis
#> population 5000 12.78 5.22   0  25 -0.17    -0.88
#> reference   200  5.98 4.58   0  25  0.99     1.01
#> sample      200  6.49 4.62   0  25  0.89     0.75
#> $sample
#> # A tibble: 200 x 2
#>       id     x
#>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  3752     1
#>  2  1219     2
#>  3  4496     1
#>  4  1358     1
#>  5  2330     1
#>  6  4270     2
#>  7   218     2
#>  8  4929     2
#>  9  2383     2
#> 10  4805     1
#> # ... with 190 more rows
#> $graph

# Draw a sample based on Score_2 (from negatively skewed to positively skewed with replacement)
 draw_sample(dist=example_data[,c(1,3)],n=200,skew = 0.5,kurts = 0.4,
 replacement=TRUE,output_name = c("sample", "3"))

#> $desc
#>               n  mean   sd min max  skew kurtosis
#> population 5000 12.78 5.22   0  25 -0.17    -0.88
#> reference   200  5.86 4.21   0  25  0.47     0.38
#> sample      200  6.36 4.13   0  25  0.42     0.36
#> $sample
#> # A tibble: 200 x 2
#>       id     x
#>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  2112     1
#>  2  3896     1
#>  3  3007     1
#>  4   400     2
#>  5  4570     1
#>  6  2667     1
#>  7  3896     1
#>  8  4433     1
#>  9  3593     1
#> 10  4280     2
#> # ... with 190 more rows
#> $graph