dynfeature: Feature Importance for Dynamic Processes

Calculating feature importance scores from trajectories using the random forests algorithm and more. Saelens and Cannoodt et al. (2019) <doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0071-9>.

Version: 1.0.0
Imports: dplyr, dynutils (≥ 1.0.2), dynwrap (≥ 1.0.0), purrr, magrittr, methods, ranger, reshape2, testthat, tidyr, tibble
Suggests: caret, covr
Published: 2021-06-14
Author: Robrecht Cannoodt ORCID iD [aut, cre] (rcannood), Wouter Saelens ORCID iD [aut] (zouter)
Maintainer: Robrecht Cannoodt <rcannood at gmail.com>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: dynfeature citation info
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: dynfeature results


Reference manual: dynfeature.pdf


Package source: dynfeature_1.0.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: dynfeature_1.0.0.zip, r-release: dynfeature_1.0.0.zip, r-oldrel: dynfeature_1.0.0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): dynfeature_1.0.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): dynfeature_1.0.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): dynfeature_1.0.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): dynfeature_1.0.0.tgz

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: dynplot


Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dynfeature to link to this page.