epidemia 1.0.0
- First version submitted to CRAN
- Bug fixed for latent infections and first Rt with pop_adjust
- reorganized files to correctly attribute copyright.
- New model for adding vaccination adjustments
- latent infections switched to normal, from log-normal
- Additional vignettes and model description
- Additional noise options for infection process
- Significantly more flexible modeling of seeding process
- Many small bug fixes
epidemia 0.7.0
- Changes to general interface - new epiinf() function for representing infection model
- Improved package website, with better description of the model and examples in the vignettes.
- Ability to model latent infections explicitly - replacing renewal equation
- Removed ‘pop’ and replaced with column of susceptibles in dataframe. This allows susceptible population to reduce over time due to vaccinations.
- Improved error checking in epim(), with more informative messages
- scaled_logit for epiobs
- Full integration with Bayesplot package, and a plot.epimodel method which easily allows the user to choose different components of the model.
- Fixed bug which meant “fullrank” was actually using “meanfield”
- Ability to use random walks in the epiobs models
- Choose between identity, scaled logit, and log link for epirt
- Plot the (potentially transformed) linear predictors for both epiobs and epirt
- Additional families for epiobs - normal and lognormal
- Add summary method and printing for epimodel objects
- Plots improved, allowing step for plot_rt, and improved formatting
epidemia 0.6.0
- Substantial changes to interface: Added epirt and epiobs objects
- Different and more flexible observation models
- Improved structure to epimodel objects
- Refactoring of main epim function
- Improved plots, including interactive plots using plotly
- Forecast evaluation using coverage and different metrics
- Ability to do an initial run fit to cumulatives within epim
- Updated tests, documentation and vignettes
epidemia 0.5.3
- Improved model description in introduction vignette
epidemia 0.5.2
- Passes R CMD Check with no warnings
- Updated installation instructions
epidemia 0.5.1
- Renamed stan files to avoid errors with Rstan 2.12.
- Plotting vignette
epidemia 0.5.0
- Random walk terms parsed separately as input to stan files. Variance parameter sampled in stan, and so can make predictions.
- pseudo-log scales for
and plot_observations
- control over date range for all plots
- option to plot smoothed Rt in
epidemia 0.4.0
- Features for counterfactual analysis and predictions
epidemia 0.3.3
- Added vignette describing priors
- Description of collinearity issues in ‘resolving problems’ vignette
- Form for potential beta testers
epidemia 0.3.2
- Citation file
- Fixes to documentation in website
epidemia 0.3.1
- Website fixes
- Separate index for website and github
epidemia 0.3.0
- Website and more extensive vignettes
epidemia 0.2.0