forestploter 0.1.7
- Fixed minor issue in inserting text.
- Able to suppress legend
forestploter 0.1.6
- Able to define the rounding digits for ticks.
- Able to add title to the plot.
forestploter 0.1.5
- Fixed issues with checks for zeros if
- Different reference line, x-axis label, xlog, vertical line, xlim,
x-axis ticks and arrow label is possible for different CI columns.
- Able to add x-axis label.
forestploter 0.1.4
- Fixed issues with xlim calculation.
- Fixed bug in theme setting axis cex not used.
- Added some unit tests.
forestploter 0.1.3
- Added CI line width option.
- Added CI T end option.
- Fixed bug in
forestploter 0.1.2
- Added
options for exponential estimates, eg HR,
- Auto calculate x-ticks and xlim for multiple column.
- Minor updates and changes.
forestploter 0.1.1
- Added summary diamond shape.
- Able to change CI line type.
- Able to insert text vector to multiple column.
- Able to select row header for plot editing.
- Print plot with auto fit.
- Fixed row calculation in plot editing.
- Fixed some typos.
forestploter 0.0.1