Bug fixes
- #54
Error in
(s) - fix wrong XML handling
Bug fixes
- #53
Shapefile upload doesn’t work anymore - wrong Content-Type
Bug fixes
- #51
Trailing slash may encounter issue when creating GSManager
New features
- #31
Support for Coverage store class & operations
- #50
implement system status method + shiny UI
- #52
Standardize R6-class documentation
- #49
Better management of keyring backend
New features
- #47
Support Geopackage datastore + upload
- #48
Secure API password with ‘keyring’
Bug fixes
- #46
CREATE workspace settings doesn’t work
New features
- #35 CRUD
Workspace Settings operations
- #36 CRUD
OGC Service Settings operations
Bug fixes
- #32
datastore decoding breaks with empty description
- #33
uploadShapefile returns Internal Server error linked to mimeType
- #42
Workspace Naming : updateServiceSettings, only lowercased workspace
names ?
- #45
Disable OGC service doesn’t work for worskpace settings
- #34
unpublishLayer doc typo
New features
- #19 Add
support for GS Postgis dataStore
- #25 Add
support for GS Oracle NG dataStore
- #27 Add
FeatureType support for CQL Filter
Bug fixes
- #30
bug in if conditions
- #23 Add
integration tests for GSShapefileDirectoryDataStore
New features
- #17
GSFeatureType - encoding/decoding of metadata VirtualTable
- #22 Add
support for GS Directory of shapefiles dataStore
- #24 Add
support for LayerGroup
- #20
Allow inheritance of specific datastore classes
New features
- #1
Support of GS workspace - encoding/decoding & CRUD operations
- #2
Support of GS namespace - encoding/decoding & CRUD operations
- #3
Support of GS datastore - encoding/decoding & CRUD operations
- #4
Support of GS ShapeFile datastore - encoding/decoding
- #5
Support of GS Resource - encoding/decoding & CRUD operations
- #6
Support of GS FeatureType - encoding/decoding
- #7
Support of GS Layer - encoding/decoding & CRUD operations
- #8
Support of GS utils methods to perform http requests (GET, PUT, POST,
- #9
Support GS Manager class (main entrypoint for users)
- #10
Provide a single generic GS XML Resource encoder
- #11
Support of GS Version
- #12
Support of catalog reload operation
- #13 CRUD
operations for styles + getSLDBody method
- #18 Set
Travis CI docker geoserver instance for integration tests