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Whenever I start working on a dataset, I need to take a glance at the data to see how the data are or it the format is the one that I am expecting. I found myself coding similar lines over and over again with each data set I put my hands on. I decided to put that lines together in an R package so I and others can use them. I called it glancedata.

There are already some cool R packages to summarize dataframes. The ones that I use more often are skimr and GGally.


You can install the released version of glancedata from CRAN with:



These are the main functions in the package. You can see their documentation with help, e.g., help("glance_data").

Function Description
glance_data Alternative to summary. Emphasizes missing data and binary variables.
glance_data_in_workbook Similar to glance_data. Creates list of dataframes instead and saves XLSX file.
plot_numerical_vars Creates a plot per numerical variable. It might be histogram, density plot, qqplot, violin plot or scatterplot.
plot_discrete_vars Creates a plot per numerical variable. It might be histogram, density plot, qqplot, violin plot or scatterplot.


You can copy and paste the code and use your own dataset. I am using the mtcars dataframe.


## This will generate a dataframe

## Create a list of dataframes. If you provide the `filename` 
## parameter to be equal to, say, "myglance.xlsx", then it will create
## an Excel workbook and place the content of each dataframe in a 
## separate sheet.

## These are the types of plots for numerical variables
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "density")
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "pairwise")
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "histogram")
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "violin")
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "boxplot")
plot_numerical_vars(mtcars, plot_type = "qqplot")

## ... And here are barplots for variables with only a few different 
## values
plot_discrete_vars(mtcars, sort_by_frequency = TRUE)