
Codecov test coverage R-CMD-check

grates provides a simple and coherent implementation of grouped date classes:

These classes aim to be formalise the idea of a grouped date whilst also being intuitive in their use. They build upon ideas of Davis Vaughan and the datea package.

For each of the grouped date classes, grates also provides scales to use with ggplot2.


The development version, which this documentation refers to, can be installed from GitHub with:

if (!require(remotes)) {
remotes::install_github("reconverse/grates", build_vignettes = TRUE)

You can install the current version of the package from either the releases page or directly from CRAN with:



A short illustration to grates functionality is provided in the worked example below but a more detailed introduction can be found in the included vignette

`vignette("introduction", package = "grates")`


library(outbreaks)  # for data
library(dplyr)      # for data manipulation
library(ggplot2)    # for plotting

# load some simulated linelist data
dat <- ebola_sim_clean$linelist

# group by week
weekly_dat <- 
  dat %>%
  mutate(date = as_yearweek(date_of_infection, firstday = 2)) %>% 
  count(date, name = "cases") %>% 

head(weekly_dat, 8)
#>       date cases
#> 1 2014-W12     1
#> 2 2014-W15     1
#> 3 2014-W16     1
#> 4 2014-W17     4
#> 5 2014-W18    10
#> 6 2014-W19    12
#> 7 2014-W20    12
#> 8 2014-W21    15
# plot
ggplot(weekly_dat, aes(date, cases)) + geom_col(width = 1, colour = "white") + theme_bw() + xlab("")

We make working with <grates_yearweek> and other grouped date objects easier by adopting logical conventions:

dates <- as.Date("2021-01-01") + 0:30
weeks <- as_yearweek(dates, firstday = 5) # firstday = 5 to match first day of year
head(weeks, 8)
#> <grates_yearweek[8]>
#> [1] 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W01 2021-W02
#>  yrwk [1:31] 2021-W01, 2021-W01, 2021-W01, 2021-W01, 2021-W01, 2021-W01, 20...
#>  @ firstday: int 5
dat <- tibble(dates, weeks)

# addition of wholenumbers will add the corresponding number of weeks to the object
mutate(dat, plus4 = weeks + 4)
#> # A tibble: 31 × 3
#>    dates         weeks    plus4
#>    <date>       <yrwk>   <yrwk>
#>  1 2021-01-01 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  2 2021-01-02 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  3 2021-01-03 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  4 2021-01-04 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  5 2021-01-05 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  6 2021-01-06 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  7 2021-01-07 2021-W01 2021-W05
#>  8 2021-01-08 2021-W02 2021-W06
#>  9 2021-01-09 2021-W02 2021-W06
#> 10 2021-01-10 2021-W02 2021-W06
#> # … with 21 more rows
# addition of two yearweek objects will error as it is unclear what the intention is
mutate(dat, addweeks = weeks + weeks)
#> Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `addweeks`.
#> ℹ `addweeks = weeks + weeks`.
#> x <grates_yearweek> + <grates_yearweek> is not permitted
# Subtraction of wholenumbers works similarly to addition
mutate(dat, minus4 = weeks - 4)
#> # A tibble: 31 × 3
#>    dates         weeks   minus4
#>    <date>       <yrwk>   <yrwk>
#>  1 2021-01-01 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  2 2021-01-02 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  3 2021-01-03 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  4 2021-01-04 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  5 2021-01-05 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  6 2021-01-06 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  7 2021-01-07 2021-W01 2020-W49
#>  8 2021-01-08 2021-W02 2020-W50
#>  9 2021-01-09 2021-W02 2020-W50
#> 10 2021-01-10 2021-W02 2020-W50
#> # … with 21 more rows
# Subtraction of two yearweek objects gives the difference in weeks between them
mutate(dat, plus4 = weeks + 4, difference = plus4 - weeks)
#> # A tibble: 31 × 4
#>    dates         weeks    plus4 difference
#>    <date>       <yrwk>   <yrwk>      <int>
#>  1 2021-01-01 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  2 2021-01-02 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  3 2021-01-03 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  4 2021-01-04 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  5 2021-01-05 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  6 2021-01-06 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  7 2021-01-07 2021-W01 2021-W05          4
#>  8 2021-01-08 2021-W02 2021-W06          4
#>  9 2021-01-09 2021-W02 2021-W06          4
#> 10 2021-01-10 2021-W02 2021-W06          4
#> # … with 21 more rows
# weeks can be combined if they have the same firstday but not otherwise
wk1 <- as_yearweek("2020-01-01")
wk2 <- as_yearweek("2021-01-01")
c(wk1, wk2)
#> <grates_yearweek[2]>
#> [1] 2020-W01 2020-W53
wk3 <- as_yearweek("2020-01-01", firstday = 2)
c(wk1, wk3)
#> Error: Can't combine <grates_yearweek>'s with different `firstday`