The hydrorecipes package aims to provide a few steps to improve the analysis of water level responses using moderately sized datasets (millions of rows). It aims to work seamlessly within the tidymodels framework of packages. While the package was designed for water levels and pore-pressures, the steps may be useful in other fields of study. Examples in the introduction focus on barometric pressure and Earth tides, the steps may also be applied to precipitation, river stage, ocean tides, and pumping responses.
data(transducer, package = "hydrorecipes")
#> datetime wl baro et
#> 1 2016-08-25 00:00:00 13.32769 9.482164 38.82942
#> 2 2016-08-25 00:02:00 13.32797 9.482288 37.72395
#> 3 2016-08-25 00:04:00 13.32830 9.482298 36.66907
#> 4 2016-08-25 00:06:00 13.32770 9.482159 35.66541
#> 5 2016-08-25 00:08:00 13.32740 9.481697 34.71358
#> 6 2016-08-25 00:10:00 13.32735 9.481246 33.81418
$datetime_num <- as.numeric(transducer$datetime) transducer
This data contains (~1.5 months) of timestamped water pressure, barometric pressure and synthetic Earth tide data with a 2 minute sampling frequency. Our goal is to relate the water pressure data to the barometric, Earth tides in the presence of a background trend. We will look at a few different ways to analyze this dataset. For more information on the recipes package and tidymodels please see:
To start with we will use the recipes package alone using a modified Toll and Rasmussen, 2007 approach. We use logarithmically spaced lags instead of regularly spaced ones to improve computational performance and use the non-difference based approach. step_ns is used to characterize the background trend.
<- recipe(wl~baro+et+datetime_num, transducer) |>
rec_toll_rasmussen step_lead_lag(baro, lag = log_lags(100, 86400 * 2 / 120)) |>
step_lead_lag(et, lag = seq(0, 180, 20)) |>
step_ns(datetime_num, deg_free = 10) |>
<- rec_toll_rasmussen |> bake(new_data = NULL) input_toll_rasmussen
<- lm(wl~., input_toll_rasmussen) fit_toll_rasmussen
Next we will use the recipes package alone using a modified Rasmussen and Mote, 2007 approach. We use logarithmically spaced lags instead of regularly spaced ones to improve computational performance and use the non-difference based approach. step_ns is used to characterize the background trend.
<- c(0.89324406, 0.92953571, 0.96644626, 1.00273791, 1.03902956,
tidal_freqs 1.07594011, 1.86454723, 1.89598197, 1.93227362, 1.96856526,
2.00000000, 2.89841042)
<- recipe(wl~baro+datetime_num, transducer) |>
rec_rasmussen_mote step_lead_lag(baro, lag = log_lags(100, 86400 * 2 / 120)) |>
frequency = tidal_freqs,
cycle_size = 86400,
keep_original_cols = TRUE) |>
step_ns(datetime_num, deg_free = 10) |>
<- rec_rasmussen_mote |> bake(new_data = NULL) input_rasmussen_mote
<- lm(wl~., input_rasmussen_mote) fit_rasmussen_mote
This is the method of Kennel 2020 which uses a distributed lag model (Almon, 1965, Gasparrini, 2011) and the earthtide package to generate synthetic wave groups. The distributed lag model was inspired by the dlnm package, but adapted for datasets with millions of rows and long maximum time lags.
<- earthtide::eterna_wavegroups
wave_groups <- na.omit(wave_groups[wave_groups$time == '1 month', ])
wave_groups <- wave_groups[wave_groups$start > 0.5, ]
wave_groups <- 34.0
latitude <- -118.5
longitude <- recipe(wl~baro+datetime_num, transducer) |>
rec_dl step_distributed_lag(baro, spline_fun = splines2::bSpline,
knots = log_lags(15, 86400 * 2 / 120)) |>
latitude = latitude,
longitude = longitude,
astro_update = 1,
cutoff = 1e-5,
wave_groups = wave_groups) |>
step_ns(datetime_num, deg_free = 10) |>
<- rec_dl |> bake(new_data = NULL) input_dl
<- lm(wl~., input_dl) fit_dl
We can compare the three models and they give similar results. The distributed lag version is particularly suited to long lag times and large datasets (small sampling interval). step_earthtide allows for easily estimating phase shifts unlike step_harmonic and the lagged version.
<- rbind(broom::glance(fit_dl),
model_results ::glance(fit_toll_rasmussen),
)$name <- c('kennel_2020',
)::kable(model_results[,c('name', 'r.squared', 'sigma',
knitr'AIC', 'BIC', 'df.residual', 'nobs')])
name | r.squared | sigma | AIC | BIC | df.residual | nobs |
kennel_2020 | 0.9999329 | 0.0003556 | -460205.1 | -459756.2 | 35229 | 35281 |
toll_rasmussen_2007 | 0.9999324 | 0.0003572 | -459817.6 | -458784.1 | 35160 | 35281 |
rasmussen_mote_2007 | 0.9999324 | 0.0003573 | -459789.6 | -458637.5 | 35146 | 35281 |
The water pressure dataset can be thought of as a sum of multiple components. The regression deconvolution method attempts to separate these components so that you can see the influence that each stress has on the resultant water pressure signal.
<- predict_terms(fit = fit_dl,
pred rec = rec_dl,
data = input_dl)
<- bind_cols(transducer[, c('datetime', 'wl')], pred)
pred $residuals <- pred$wl - pred$predicted
pred<- pivot_longer(pred, cols = !datetime)
pred_long <-c('intercept', 'ns_datetime_num', 'distributed_lag_baro',
levels 'earthtide_datetime_num', 'predicted', 'wl', 'residuals')
<- c('Intercept', 'Background trend', 'Barometric Component',
labels 'Earth Tide Component', 'Predicted', 'Water Pressure',
'Residuals (obs-mod)')
$name <- factor(pred_long$name,
pred_longlevels = levels,
labels = labels)
ggplot(pred_long, aes(x = datetime, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
scale_x_datetime(expand = c(0,0)) +
ggtitle('Water Level Decomposition Results') +
xlab("") +
facet_grid(name~., scales = 'free_y') +
The response describes how the water pressure changes after there is a change in one of the input stresses. The hydrorecipes package describes the response in one of two ways; using harmonics, or a response function. These can be thought of as equivalent with one being in the time domain and the other the frequency domain. Both method provides similar information, but depending on the analysis model or background knowledge one may be preferred over the other. Below we use a response function for barometric pressure and harmonic analysis for the Earth tides.
<- response(fit_dl, rec_dl)
resp <- resp[resp$name == 'cumulative', ]
resp_ba <- resp_ba[resp_ba$term == 'baro', ]
ggplot(resp_ba, aes(x = x * 120 / 3600, y = value)) +
ggtitle('A: Barometric Loading Response') +
xlab('lag (hours)') +
ylab('Cumulative Response') +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1)) +
geom_line() +
<- resp[resp$name %in% c('amplitude', 'phase'), ]
resp_et ggplot(resp_et, aes(x = x, xend = x, y = 0, yend = value)) +
geom_segment() +
ggtitle('B: Earthtide Response') +
xlab('Frequency (cycles per day)') +
ylab('Phase (radians) | Amplitude (dbar)') +
facet_grid(name~., scales = 'free_y') +
Almon, S (1965). The Distributed Lag Between Capital Appropriations and Expenditures. Econometrica 33(1), 178.
Gasparrini A. Distributed lag linear and non-linear models in R: the package dlnm. Journal of Statistical Software. 2011; 43(8):1-20.
Kennel, J., 2020. High Frequency Water Level Responses to Natural Signals (Doctoral dissertation, University of Guelph).
Rasmussen, T.C. and Mote, T.L., 2007. Monitoring surface and subsurface water storage using confined aquifer water levels at the Savannah River Site, USA. Vadose Zone Journal, 6(2), pp.327-335.
Toll, N.J. and Rasmussen, T.C., 2007. Removal of barometric pressure effects and earth tides from observed water levels. Groundwater, 45(1), pp.101-105. Vancouver