To cite indelmiss in publications, please use:

Utkarsh J. Dang, Alison M. Devault, Tatum D. Mortimer, Caitlin S. Pepperell, Hendrik N. Poinar, G. Brian Golding (2016). Gene insertion deletion analysis while accounting for possible missing data. Genetics 204(2): 513--529.<doi:10.1534/genetics.116.191973>.

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {Gene insertion deletion analysis while accounting for
      possible missing data},
    author = {Utkarsh J. Dang and Alison M. Devault and Tatum D.
      Mortimer and Caitlin S. Pepperell and Hendrik N. Poinar and G.
      Brian Golding},
    journal = {Genetics},
    year = {2016},
    volume = {204},
    number = {2},
    pages = {513--529},
    doi = {10.1534/genetics.116.191973},