The ivgets package provides general-to-specific modeling functionality for two-stage least squares (2SLS or TSLS) models. There are two main uses. Starting from a generalized unrestricted model (GUM), the algorithm searches over the set of exogenous regressors to find a specification that can explain the data while trying to be as parsimonious as possible. Second, the package can perform indicator saturation methods to detect outliers and structural breaks in the data.
You can install the released version of ivgets from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("jkurle/ivgets") devtools
The ivgets package relies heavily on two packages. The estimation of 2SLS models is based on the ivreg package and model selection uses the gets package.
ivgets avoids specifying minimum or maximum versions of the
dependencies in the DESCRIPTION
file if possible. This is
to avoid forcing users to update their packages and potentially break
existing code.
For reference, ivgets has been developed under the following versions:
)Suppose we want to model the potential effect of some regressors to
on a dependent variable
. We are worried that
could be endogenous, so we use a 2SLS
model to estimate the parameters. For the exogenous regressors
we are unsure whether they are relevant
but our theory tells us that they might be relevant. So we want to
include all of them in the original model and then use model selection
to determine which regressors are actually relevant. Furthermore suppose
we are concerned that the sample might contain outlying observations and
that these outliers are biasing our results.
Formally, our structural equation is
[ y_{i} = \beta_{1} x_{1i} + \beta_{2} x_{2i} + … + \beta_{11} x_{11i} + u_{i} = x_{i}^{\prime} \beta + u_{i}](;%5Cbg_white&space;%0Ay_%7Bi%7D%20%3D%20%5Cbeta_%7B1%7D%20x_%7B1i%7D%20%2B%20%5Cbeta_%7B2%7D%0Ax_%7B2i%7D%20%2B%20…%20%2B%20%5Cbeta_%7B11%7D%20x_%7B11i%7D%20%2B%20u_%7Bi%7D%20%3D%20x_%7Bi%7D%5E%7B%5Cprime%7D%20%5Cbeta%20%2B%20u_%7Bi%7D%0A ” y_{i} = {1} x{1i} + {2} x{2i} + … + {11} x{11i} + u_{i} = x_{i}^{} + u_{i} “)
The first stage can be written as
where includes all the exogenous regressors
and the excluded instruments
Since we are concerned about outliers, we first do impulse indicator saturation to detect observations with unusually large errors. We still include all our potentially relevant exogenous regressors in the model.
# we specify "-1" in the formula because x1 is already an intercept in our data frame
<- y ~ -1+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10+x11 | -1+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9+x10+z11+z12
fml <- ivreg(formula = fml, data = artificial2sls_contaminated)
base # do impulse indicator saturation
<- isat(base, iis = TRUE, t.pval = 1/100, print.searchinfo = FALSE)
indicators print(indicators$final)
#> Call:
#> ivreg::ivreg(formula = as.formula(fml_sel), data = d)
#> Coefficients:
#> x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8
#> 5.26264 -4.89609 0.13239 0.12368 -0.14055 -0.13028 0.68213 0.13232
#> x9 x10 iis9 iis11 iis43 iis73 x11
#> 0.03797 -0.12167 3.09339 3.39235 3.08462 2.91605 3.24507
For the selection of indicators, we use a significance level,
, of 1/100. The data set has 100 observations and we
select over 100 impulse indicators. So we expect to falsely retain one
indicator on average. As the output shows, the algorithm has retained
four indicators: iis9, iis11, iis43, iis73. Since this is artificial
data, we know which observations were outliers. In this case, all of the
retained indicators correspond to actual outlying observations 9, 11,
43, and 73. The algorithm has only missed one additional outlier, which
was observation 78.
The object indicators
is a list with two entries. The
first entry, $selection
, stores the information related to
the search, such as the number of estimations and all terminal models.
The second entry, $final
, is an object of class
and is the model result of the final model.
Now that we have identified (some of the) outliers, we still want to
find out which of our theoretical exogenous regressors are actually
relevant. As before, we can simply pass the final model from the
previous step to the gets()
method. Since we do not want to
select over the impulse indicators again, we need to specify this
accordingly in the function call. The names of the indicators are
conveniently saved in the $selection$ISnames
<- gets(indicators$final, keep_exog = indicators$selection$ISnames, print.searchinfo = FALSE)
selection print(selection$final)
#> Call:
#> ivreg::ivreg(formula = as.formula(fml_sel), data = d)
#> Coefficients:
#> x1 x2 iis9 iis11 iis43 iis73 x11
#> 5.864 -4.988 3.072 3.424 3.205 3.087 2.943
As before, the returned object is a list with entry
, which stores information about the search, and
, which is an "ivreg"
model object of
the final model. There is an additional third entry named
that specifies the names of all regressors in the
second stage that were not selected over. This can be used as a check
that the selection was done correctly.
# as specified, the impulse indicators and the endogenous regressor, x11, were not selected over
#> [1] "iis9" "iis11" "iis43" "iis73" "x11"
The final model has only retained the exogenous theory variables and
, which is the correct selection. The data
generating process only contained the variables
, and
. Their true parameters were
c(6, -5, 3)
, so the estimates are quite close.