leaflet.opacity extends the leaflet R package with the Leaflet.OpacityControls JavaScript plugin (LizardTech 2013). It offers control buttons and a slider for adjusting the opacity of a layer.
This tutorial requires the following packages.
To demonstrate leaflet.opacity an artificial raster layer is created with the raster R package.
r <- raster(xmn = -2.8, xmx = -2.79, ymn = 54.04, ymx = 54.05, nrows = 30, ncols = 30)
values(r) <- matrix(1:900, nrow(r), ncol(r), byrow = TRUE)
crs(r) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
The three functions addLowerOpacity
, addHigherOpacity
and addOpacitySlider
add a new control to the leaflet map. They can be used like all leaflet functions together with the %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addRasterImage(r, layerId = "raster") %>%
addOpacitySlider(layerId = "raster")
In this example a leaflet map is created with background tiles and the previously created raster layer r
is added. The function addOpacitySlider
adds the opacity slider to the map. The layerId
defines which layer’s opacity is controlled by the slider.
Leaflet map with opacity control in RStudio viewer panel.
LizardTech. 2013. Leaflet.OpacityControls. https://github.com/lizardtechblog/Leaflet.OpacityControls.