Meeting Attendance Database



This database contains the attendance record of Council and committee open meetings since the sixth term.

For more details of the database, see

Key Identifiers

Here are the key identifies that is useful for locating the necessary data from the Attendance Database:

Total Count

The function in this database has an option to return only the total count of the records matching the specified parameters instead of returning the data frame containing the result. To activate this option, specify count = TRUE:

# Fetch the total number of members absent from the Council meeting on May 22, 2019
attendance(meet_id = 136897, from = "2019-05-22", to = "2019-05-22", attn = "a", count = TRUE)
## [1] "2"

This database is accessible with the following function:


attendance() fetches the attendance record of one or more LegCo meeting(s), or the attendance record of one of more LegCo member(s), or both.

# Fetch members who were absent from the Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars meetings on October 13, 2017
attendance(committee_id = 2704, from = "2017-10-13", to = "2017-10-13", attn = "a")
##   CommitteeID MeetID                                    MeetingNameEnglish
## 1        2704 127931 Meeting of Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
## 2        2704 127931 Meeting of Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
## 3        2704 127931 Meeting of Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
## 4        2704 127931 Meeting of Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
## 5        2704 127931 Meeting of Subcommittee on Issues Relating to Bazaars
##       MeetingNameChinese MeetingStartDateTime MemberID      MemberNameEnglish
## 1 墟市事宜小組委員會會議  2017-10-13 08:30:00      750 Hon Steven HO Chun-yin
## 2 墟市事宜小組委員會會議  2017-10-13 08:30:00      759      Hon Kenneth LEUNG
## 3 墟市事宜小組委員會會議  2017-10-13 08:30:00      776       Hon CHU Hoi-dick
## 4 墟市事宜小組委員會會議  2017-10-13 08:30:00      779        Hon HO Kai-ming
## 5 墟市事宜小組委員會會議  2017-10-13 08:30:00      791     Hon LUK Chung-hung
##   MemberNameChinese PresentAbsent
## 1        何俊賢議員        Absent
## 2        梁繼昌議員        Absent
## 3        朱凱廸議員        Absent
## 4        何啟明議員        Absent
## 5        陸頌雄議員        Absent
# Fetch the meetings that Hon Chu Hoi-dick was absent from
v <- attendance(member_id = 776, attn = "a")
##   CommitteeID MeetID              MeetingNameEnglish MeetingNameChinese
## 1        2548 120628 Regular House Committee Meeting     內務委員會例會
## 2        2548 120629      Meeting of House Committee     內務委員會會議
## 3        2548 120630      Meeting of House Committee     內務委員會會議
## 4        2548 120631      Meeting of House Committee     內務委員會會議
## 5        2548 120632      Meeting of House Committee     內務委員會會議
## 6        2548 120639      Meeting of House Committee     內務委員會會議
##   MeetingStartDateTime MemberID MemberNameEnglish MemberNameChinese
## 1  2017-01-06 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
## 2  2017-01-13 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
## 3  2017-01-20 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
## 4  2017-02-03 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
## 5  2017-02-10 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
## 6  2017-05-12 14:30:00      776  Hon CHU Hoi-dick        朱凱廸議員
##   PresentAbsent
## 1        Absent
## 2        Absent
## 3        Absent
## 4        Absent
## 5        Absent
## 6        Absent