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link2GI provide some functions which make it a bit easier to connect straightforward the common open source GI software packages to the R-biotop. It supports both the use of wrapper packages and the direct API-use via system calls. It focuses on Linux and WindowsX operating systems but nevertheless it should also work with OSX.

If you have several versions installed or if you want to use the full power of the GI software it will be a nice and helpful tool to deal with some strange behaviours and requirements. Especially helpful is the support of OTB, the GDAL-Python functions and a simple support to use any SAGA version via the CLI. Hopefully RSAGA and Rsagacmd will join forces in one package in the future. Anyway the brand new release 1.2.0 of RSAGA as well as the current Rsagacmd will work with the environment settings as provided by linkSAGA.


link2GIis up to CRAN. For the installation of the stable version please use install.packages("link2GI").

To install the latest stable version use: r # devtools package devtools::install_github("r-spatial/link2GI", ref = "master") # remotes package remotes::install_github("r-spatial/link2GI",ref = "master")

Third Party software

To utilize the power of the open source GI tools from within R you need to install them first. As a first promising opportunity to do fulfill most of the requirements you may install QGIS, GRASS- and SAGA-GIS .


Updated OTB wrapper

the OTB wrapper is updated for a more convinient usage. Please have a look at the usecase below:

## link to OTB


data('rgb', package = 'link2GI')  
                       format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE)
## for the example we use the edge detection, 
algoKeyword<- "EdgeExtraction"

## extract the command list for the choosen algorithm 
cmd<-parseOTBFunction(algo = algoKeyword, gili = otblink)

## get help using the convenient listviewer

## define the mandantory arguments all other will be default
cmd$input  <- file.path(projRootDir,"test.tif")
cmd$filter <- "touzi"
cmd$channel <- 2
cmd$out <- file.path(projRootDir,paste0("out",cmd$filter,".tif"))

## run algorithm
retStack<-runOTB(cmd,gili = otblink)

## plot filter raster on the green channel

Online Vignette

Online Vignettes

Usecases presented on the GEOSTAT August 2018

During the GEOSTAT 2018 in Prague some more complex usescases have been presented.

Slides and materials

Basic usage of SAGA and OTB calls

Wrapping GRASS

GRASS based cost analysis

API/CLI mixed approach