This directory contains the “markdownInput” package for the R programming language. This package is a R-Shiny module providing a Shiny input to write some markdown code and to preview the result. This input has been inspired by the “comment” window of
To install this package, the easiest is to directly install the package from GitHub:
In your R
Once the package is installed, start using it:
In your R
Once you have downloaded the package, you can run an example app:
In your R
In the UI part of your app you should call the markdownInput
For example:
ui <- fluidPage(titlePanel("Markdown input"),
# inputs:
label = "Write your text",
value = "Write some _markdown_ **here:**"
# outputs:
h3("Raw value of the input:"),
You can access to the input’s value in the server side by calling the module:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# myText is a reactive variable containing the raw markdown text
myText <- callModule(moduleMarkdownInput, "mdInputID")
# show "myText"
output$rawResult <- renderPrint({
When encountering a problem with the package, you can report issues on GitHub directly here.
You can contribute in various ways:
report an issue (online, see the above section);
suggest improvements (in the same way as issues);
propose a pull request (after creating a new branch).
I invest some time and effort to create this package. Please cite it when using it:
In your R
See also citation()
for citing R itself.
shinyAce: Vincent Nijs, Forest Fang, Trestle Technology, LLC and Jeff Allen (2019). shinyAce: Ace Editor Bindings for Shiny.
shiny: Winston Chang, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire, Yihui Xie and Jonathan McPherson (2018). shiny: Web Application Framework for R.
markdown: JJ Allaire, Jeffrey Horner, Yihui Xie, Vicent Marti and Natacha Porte (2018). markdown: ‘Markdown’ Rendering for R.