Changes since version 1.2-0
- predict(object, newdata = data) where data is the data.frame used to fit the model now returns the same as fitted(object) bug fixed thanks to Achim Zeileis and Rebekka Topp
- interface with foreign packages (prediction, margins and modelsummary)
- unit tests added
Changes since version 1.1-7
- the EV formula is fixed for the log-normal model
- improved version of the texreg method
Changes since version 0.1-4
- major revision for the code and the vignette ; bc and ihs transformation, heteroscedasticity are introduced
Changes since version 0.1-2 :
- minor changes of the vignette
Changes since version 0.1-1 :
- major update of the whole code
- much improved vignette
Changes since version 0.1-0 :
- some encoding problems in the vignette are fixed