CITE: Haghish, E. F. (2022). mlim: Missing Data Imputation with Automated Machine Learning [Computer software].

mlim : Missing Data Imputation with Automated Machine Learning

In reccent years, there have been several attempts for using machine learning for missing data imputation. Yet, mlim R package is unique because it is the first R package to implement automation for missing data imputation. In other words, mlim implements automated machine learning and brings the state-of-the-arts of this technique, which is expected to result in imputation with lower imputation error compared to other standard procedures of missing data imputation.

The figure below shows the normalized RMSE of the imputation of several algorithms, including MICE, missForest, missRanger, and mlim. Here, two of mlim’s algorithms, Elastic Net (ELNET) and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) are used for the imputation and the result are compared with Random Forest imputations as well as Multiple Imputation with Chained Equations (MICE), which uses Predictive Mean Matching (PMM). This imputation was carried out on iris dataset in R, by adding 10% artifitial missing data and comparing the imputed values with the original.

Supported algorithms

mlim supports several algorithms. However, officially, only ELNET is recommended for personal computers with limited RAM. mlim is extremely computation hungry and is more suitable for servers with a lot of RAM. However, ELNET converges rather fast and hence, provides a fast, scalable, yet highly flexible solution for missing data imputation. Compared to a fine-tuned GBM, ELNET generally performs poorer, but their computational demands are vastly different. In order to fine-tune a GBM model that out-performs ELNET, you need to include a large number of models to allow mlim to search for the ideal parameters for each variable, within each iteration.

Algorithm Speed RAM CPU
ELNET High Low Low
GBM Low High High


But which one should you choose, assuming computation resources are not in question? Well, GBM is very liokely to outperform ELNET, if you specify a large enough max_models argument to well-tune the algorithm for imputing each feature. That basically means generating more than 100 models, at least. But you will enjoy a slight – yet probably statistically significant – improvement in the imputation accuracy. The option is there, for those who can use it, and to my knowledge, fine-tuning GBM with large enough number of models will be the most accurate imputation algorithm compared to any other procedure I know. But ELNET comes second and compared to its speed advantage, it is indeed charming!

Both of these algorithms offer one advantage over all the other machine learning missing data imputation methods such as kNN, K-Means, PCA, Random Forest, etc… Simply put, you do not need to specify any parameter yourself, everything is automatic and mlim searches for the optimal parameters for imputing each variable within each iteration. For all the aformentioned packages, some parameters need to be specified, which influence the imputation accuracy. Number of k for kNN, number of components for PCA, number of trees (and other parameters) for Random Forest, etc… This is why elnet outperform the other packages. You get a software that optimizes its models on its own.

Advantages and limitations

mlim fine-tunes models for imputation, a procedure that has never been implemented in other R packages. This procedure often yields much higher accuracy compared to other machine learning imputation methods or missing data imputation procedures because of using more accurate models that are fine-tuned for each feature in the dataset. The cost, however, is computational resources. If you have access to a very powerful machine, with a huge amount of RAM per CPU, then try GBM. If you specify a high enough number of models in each fine-tuning process, you are likely to get a more accurate imputation that ELNET. However, for personal machines and laptops, ELNET is generally recommended (see below). If your machine is not powerful enough, it is likely that the imputation crashes due to memory problems…. So, perhaps begin with ELNET, unless you are working with a powerful server. This is my general advice as long as mlim is in Beta version and under development.


mlim implements a trick to reduce number of iterations needed for reaching the optimized imputation. Usually, prior to the imputation, the missing data are replaced with mean, mode, or even random values from within the variable. This is a fair start-point for the imputation procedure, but makes the optimization very time consuming. Another possibility would be to use a fast and well-established imputation algorithm for the pre-imputation and then improve the imputed values. mlim supports the following algorithms for preimputation:

Algorithm Speed RAM CPU
kNN Very fast Low Low
ranger fast High High
missForest Very Slow High Very High
mm Extremely fast Very Low Very Low


iris ia a small dataset with 150 rows only. Let’s add 50% of artifitial missing data and compare several state-of-the-art machine learning missing data imputation procedures. ELNET comes up as a winner for a very simple reason! Because it was fine-tuned and all the rest were not. The larger the dataset and the higher the number of features, the difference between ELNET and the others becomes more vivid.

# Comparison of different R packages imputing iris dataset
# ===========================================================
rm(list = ls())

# Add artifitial missing data
# ===========================================================
irisNA <- missRanger::generateNA(iris, p = 0.5, seed = 2022)

# ELNET Imputation with mlim
# ===========================================================
mlimELNET <- mlim(irisNA, init = TRUE, maxiter = 10,
                  include_algos = "ELNET", preimpute = "knn",
                  report = "mlimELNET.log", verbosity = "debug",
                  max_models = 1, min_mem_size = "6G", nthreads = 1,
                  max_mem_size = "8G", iteration_stopping_tolerance = .01,
                  shutdown = TRUE, flush=FALSE, seed = 2022)
(mlimELNETerror <- mixError(mlimELNET, irisNA, iris))

# kNN Imputation with VIM
# ===========================================================
kNN <- kNN(irisNA, imp_var=FALSE)
(kNNerror <- mixError(kNN, irisNA, iris))

# MICE Imputation with mice (10 datasets)
# ===========================================================
m <- 10
mc <- mice(irisNA, m=m, maxit = 50, method = 'pmm', seed = 500)
MCerror <- NULL
for (i in 1:m) MCerror <- c(MCerror, mixError(complete(mc,i), irisNA, iris)[1])
(MCerror <- mean(MCerror))

# Random Forest Imputation with missForest
# ===========================================================
RF <- missForest(irisNA)
(RFerror <- mixError(RF$ximp, irisNA, iris))

rngr <- missRanger(irisNA, num.trees=100, seed = 2022)
(missRanger <- mixError(rngr, irisNA, iris))

But that is not all! mlim also outperforms other R packages for imputing categorical and ordinal variables. Here is an example from the trait dataset, which is included in the package.