
CRAN status

navigatr provides a navigation menu to enable pipe-friendly data processing for hierarchical data structures. By activating the menu items, you can perform operations on each item while maintaining the overall structure in attributes.

Only three functions, new_menu(), activate() and rekey(), are the core functions of this package. Their roles are as follows,


You can install navigatr from CRAN.


You can also install the development version from GitHub.

# install.packages("devtools")



To build a new navigation menu, give new_menu() unique keys and a list of their corresponding values. The upper rows show the menu items (keys on the left, value summaries on the right). By defining pillar::obj_sum, you can change the way the summaries are displayed.

band <- new_menu(key = c("band_members", "band_instruments"),
                 value = list(band_members, band_instruments))
#> # ☐ band_members:     tibble [3 × 2]
#> # ☐ band_instruments: tibble [3 × 2]
#> # 
#> # Please `activate()` an item.

You can activate a menu item by activate(). Activating a menu item allows you to perform operations on the active item. activate() turns a navigatr_menu object into an navigatr_item object, and deactivate() turns it back.

band <- band |>
  activate(band_members) |>
  filter(band == "Beatles")
#> # ☒ band_members:     tibble [2 × 2]
#> # ☐ band_instruments: tibble [3 × 2]
#> # 
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   name  band   
#>   <chr> <chr>  
#> 1 John  Beatles
#> 2 Paul  Beatles
band <- band |> 
#> # ☐ band_members:     tibble [2 × 2]
#> # ☐ band_instruments: tibble [3 × 2]
#> # 
#> # Please `activate()` an item.

The rekey() function is used to change the key of an activated menu item.

band |> 
  activate(band_instruments) |> 
#> # ☐ band_members:         tibble [2 × 2]
#> # ☒ new_band_instruments: tibble [3 × 2]
#> # 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   name  plays 
#> * <chr> <chr> 
#> 1 John  guitar
#> 2 Paul  bass  
#> 3 Keith guitar

You can also build a nested navigation menu. To activate the items, specify multiple variables.

bands <- new_menu(key = c("key1", "key2"),
                  value = list(band, band)) # A list of menu objects
bands |> 
  activate(key1, band_instruments) |> 
#> # ☒ key1: menu [2]
#> #   ☐ band_members:     tibble [2 × 2]
#> #   ☒ band_instruments: tibble [3 × 1]
#> # ☐ key2: menu [2]
#> # 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 1
#>   name 
#> * <chr>
#> 1 John 
#> 2 Paul 
#> 3 Keith