nlmixr2est 2.0.8

New features

SAEM bug fix

NPDE/NPD fixes

Censoring fixes

Internal changes

nlmixr2est 2.0.7

nlmixr2est 2.0.6 – new package

nlmixr2est contains the estimation functions within nlmixr2.

FOCEI family changes

SAEM changes

nlme changes

nlmixr2 object change

nlmixr2 interface change

NPDE changes

VPC changes

augPred() changes

getFitMethod() change

Delete methods

Bug fixes

nlmixr 2.0.6

nlmixr 2.0.5

nlmixr 2.0.4

nlmixr 2.0.3

User interface changes

focei changes:

SAEM changes

nlme changes

New Utilities

General Changes

Bug Fixes

Note this includes all the RxODE changes including dropping python.