pedbp : Pediatric Blood Pressure

An R package for estimating expected blood pressure of children and adolescences

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-CMD-check codecov

License minimal R version


Provide a method for translating pediatric blood pressures, dependent on age, sex, and height (if known), to percentiles.


Blood pressure percentiles are based on Gaussian distributions defined by published values for the mean and standard deviation, or derived mean and standard deviations based on published percentiles.

How to Install

Install the developmental version:

remotes::install_github("dewittpe/pedbp", dependencies = TRUE)


Blood Pressure Distribution and Quantile Functions

Inputs for these functions are:

d <- read.csv(system.file("example_data", "for_batch.csv", package = "pedbp"))
##           pid age_months male sbp..mmHg. dbp..mmHg.
## 1   patient_A         96    1          NA        102         58
## 2   patient_B        144    0         153        113         NA
## 3   patient_C          4    0          62         82         43
## 4 patient_D_1         41    1          NA         96         62
## 5 patient_D_2         41    1         101         96         62
# distribution function
p_bp(  q_sbp  = d$sbp..mmHg.
     , q_dbp  = d$dbp..mmHg.
     , age    = d$age_months
     , male   = d$male
     , height = d$
## $sbp_percentile
## [1] 0.5533069 0.7680548 0.2622697 0.6195685 0.6101926
## $dbp_percentile
## [1] 0.4120704        NA 0.1356661 0.8028518 0.9011263
# quantile function
q_bp(  p_sbp = 0.50
     , p_dbp = 0.40
     , age   = 96
     , male  = 1)
## $sbp
## [1] 100.7
## $dbp
## [1] 57.74789

Plots show where an observed blood pressure is on the distribution curve

bp_cdf(  sbp = 105
       , dbp = 59
       , age   = 96
       , male  = 1)
plot of chunk bp_cdf_example

More examples and details for the blood pressure distribution functions, along with additional features such as CDC growth charts, can be found in the package vignette.

vignette("bp-distributions", package = "pedbp")

Shiny Application

An interactive Shiny application is also available. After installing the pedbp package and the suggested packages, you can run the app locally via

shiny::runApp(system.file("shinyapps", "pedbp", package = "pedbp"))
