This aim of this tutorial is to show how raster data can used to build conservation problems with the prioritizr R package. The data used here is a subset of a much larger dataset for the Georgia Basin obtained as part of an online Marxan-based planning tool created for the Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership (CDFCP; Morrell et al. 2017). For simplicity, we focus only on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Salt Spring Island is central to the region and supports a diverse and globally unique mix of dry forest and savanna habitats. Today, these habitats are critically threatened due to land conversion, invasive species, and altered disturbance regimes. Known broadly as the Georgia Depression-Puget Lowlands, this region includes threatened Coastal Douglas-fir forest and Oak-Savannah habitats, also referred to as Garry oak ecosystems. Please note that this tutorial uses data from the prioritizrdata R package, so ensure that it is installed before trying out the code yourself. For more information on the dataset refer to the Marxan tool portal and the tool tutorial.
Extent of Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership Tool area and location of Salt Spring Island
This dataset contains two items. First, a single-band raster planning unit layer where each one hectare pixel represents a planning unit and contains its corresponding cost (BC Assessment 2015). Second, a raster stack containing ecological community feature data. Field and remote sensed data were used to calculate the probability of occurrence of five key ecological communities found on Salt Spring island. Each layer in the stack represents a different community type. In order these are; Old Forest, Savannah, Wetland, Shrub, and a layer representing the inverse probability of occurrence of human commensal species. For a given layer, the cell value indicates the composite probability of encountering the suite of bird species most commonly associated with that community type.
First, load the required packages and the data.
# load packages
# load planning unit data
# load conservation feature data
Let’s have a look at the planning unit data. Note that we log-transformed the raster to better visualize the variation in planning unit cost.
## class : RasterLayer
## dimensions : 280, 200, 56000 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
## resolution : 100, 100 (x, y)
## extent : 454589.9, 474589.9, 5394614, 5422614 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs : +proj=utm +zone=10 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
## source : memory
## names : salt_pu
## values : 0.02552, 10000 (min, max)
# plot histogram of the planning unit costs
hist(values(salt_pu), main = "Distribution of costs",
xlab = "Planning unit costs")
# plot map showing the planning units costs on a log-scale
plot(log(salt_pu), main = "Planning unit costs (log)")
Next, let’s look at the feature data.
## class : RasterStack
## dimensions : 280, 200, 56000, 5 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution : 100, 100 (x, y)
## extent : 454589.9, 474589.9, 5394614, 5422614 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs : +proj=utm +zone=10 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
## names : salt_features.1, salt_features.2, salt_features.3, salt_features.4, salt_features.5
## min values : 0.3595050, 0.2979212, 0.1132785, 0.4013101, 0.3703639
## max values : 0.9312289, 0.6608167, 0.6434712, 0.8249719, 0.9032656
# plot map showing the distribution of the features
plot(salt_features, main = names(salt_features))
In this tutorial, we will only cover a few of the different ways that conservation planning problems can be formulated. The examples used here are provided to highlight how different parameters can substantially—or only slightly—alter solutions. Here, we use the minimum set objective to fulfill all targets and constraints for the smallest cost. This objective is similar to that used in the Marxan decision support tool. To keep this simple, we will set biodiversity targets at 17 % to reflect the Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. Because properties on Salt Spring Island can either be acquired in their entirety or not at all, we leave the decision framework as the default; binary decision making. This means that planning units are either selected in the solution or not selected in the solution—planning units cannot be partially acquired.
Now we will formulate the conservation planning problem.
# create problem
p1 <- problem(salt_pu, salt_features) %>%
add_min_set_objective() %>%
add_relative_targets(0.17) %>%
add_binary_decisions() %>%
# print problem
## Conservation Problem
## planning units: RasterLayer (19794 units)
## cost: min: 0.02552, max: 10000
## features: salt_features.1, salt_features.2, salt_features.3, ... (5 features)
## objective: Minimum set objective
## targets: Relative targets [targets (min: 0.17, max: 0.17)]
## decisions: Binary decision
## constraints: <none>
## penalties: <none>
## portfolio: default
## solver: Gurobi [first_feasible (0), gap (0.1), node_file_start (-1), numeric_focus (0), presolve (2), threads (1), time_limit (2147483647), verbose (1)]
Note that the %>%
notation is used to attach the objectives, targets, and decisions to the problem. Since binary-type decisions are the default decision-type, we don’t have to explicitly specify the decision-type, but we specify it here for clarity.
The prioritizr R package supports three different integer linear programming solvers: gurobi (via the gurobi package), IBM CPLEX (via the cplexAPI package), SYMPHONY (via the Rsymphony and lpsymphony packages) and CBC (via the rcbc package). There are costs and benefits associated with each of these solvers, but the solver itself should have little impact on the actual solution returned (though certain solvers may take longer to return solutions than others).
First, remember that the solvers must be installed. You can check if these packages are installed by running the code below. Some of these solvers are a bit complicated to install. For instance, the gurobi package is distributed with the Gurobi commercial software suite and is not available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). For more information on installing the gurobi package, please refer to the Gurobi Installation Guide for more information on installing the gurobi R package. Additionally, the rcbc package is not available on CRAN, and must be installed from GitHub (please refer to its documentation for installation instructions. Furthermore, although the Rcplex package is available on CRAN, it cannot be successfully installed unless the IBM CPLEX software has already installed on your system.
Now we will try solving the problem using the different solvers (see ?solve
for more information). We will also experiment with limiting the maximum amount of time that can be spent looking for each solution when solving the problem (using the time_limit
parameter), and see how this alters the solutions.
titles <- c() # create vector to store plot titles
s1 <- stack() # create empty stack to store solutions
# create new problem object with added solver
if (require("Rsymphony")) {
titles <- c(titles, "Rsymphony (5s)")
p2 <- p1 %>% add_rsymphony_solver(time_limit = 5)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p2))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
if (require("Rsymphony")) {
titles <- c(titles, "Rsymphony (10s)")
p3 <- p1 %>% add_rsymphony_solver(time_limit = 10)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p3))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
if (require("gurobi")) {
titles <- c(titles, "Gurobi (5s)")
p4 <- p1 %>% add_gurobi_solver(time_limit = 5)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p4))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
if (require("cplexAPI")) {
titles <- c(titles, "IBM CPLEX (5s)")
p5 <- p1 %>% add_cplex_solver(time_limit = 5)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p5))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
if (require("lpsymphony")) {
titles <- c(titles, "lpsymphony (10s)")
p6 <- p1 %>% add_lpsymphony_solver(time_limit = 10)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p6))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
if (require("rcbc")) {
titles <- c(titles, "CBC (10s)")
p7 <- p1 %>% add_cbc_solver(time_limit = 10)
s1 <- addLayer(s1, solve(p7))
## Warning in res(x, ...): overwriting previously defined solver
Now let’s visualize the solutions.
We can see that all of the solutions are very similar. Therefore it would appear that for this particular problem, the solution is not highly sensitive to solver choice. For larger and more complex problems, however, we would expect the solution from Gurobi to be far superior when setting time limits. At a glance, it also appears that the time limit settings did not largely impact the solutions (5 seconds vs. 10 seconds), but a more rigorous analysis is needed to investigate this.
Isolated and fragmented populations are often more vulnerable to extinction. As a consequence, landscape connectivity is a key focus of many conservation planning exercises. There are a number of methods that can be used to increase connectivity in prioritizations. These methods typically involve adding constraints to a problem to ensure that solutions exhibit a specific property (e.g. selected planning units that form a contiguous reserve), or adding penalties to a problem to penalize solutions that exhibit specific properties (e.g. high levels of fragmentation). Here we will explore a couple different strategies for increasing connectivity in solutions. For brevity, we will use default solver which is automatically added to a problem if a solver is not manually specified.
# basic problem formulation
p6 <- problem(salt_pu, salt_features) %>%
add_min_set_objective() %>%
add_relative_targets(0.17) %>%
add_binary_decisions() %>%
# print problem
## Conservation Problem
## planning units: RasterLayer (19794 units)
## cost: min: 0.02552, max: 10000
## features: salt_features.1, salt_features.2, salt_features.3, ... (5 features)
## objective: Minimum set objective
## targets: Relative targets [targets (min: 0.17, max: 0.17)]
## decisions: Binary decision
## constraints: <none>
## penalties: <none>
## portfolio: default
## solver: Gurobi [first_feasible (0), gap (0.1), node_file_start (-1), numeric_focus (0), presolve (2), threads (1), time_limit (2147483647), verbose (1)]
titles2 <- c() # create vector to store plot titles
s2 <- stack() # create empty stack to store solutions
# no connectivity requirement
titles2 <- c(titles2, "No connectivity")
s2 <- addLayer(s2, solve(p6))
# require at least two for each selected planning unit
titles2 <- c(titles2, "Neighbor constraints (two)")
p7 <- p6 %>% add_neighbor_constraints(2)
s2 <- addLayer(s2, solve(p7))
# impose small penalty for fragmented solutions
titles2 <- c(titles2, "Boundary penalty (low)")
p8 <- p6 %>% add_boundary_penalties(0.0005, 0.5)
s2 <- addLayer(s2, solve(p8))
# impose high penalty for fragmented solutions
titles2 <- c(titles2, "Boundary penalty (high)")
p9 <- p6 %>% add_boundary_penalties(0.05, 0.5)
s2 <- addLayer(s2, solve(p9))
Here we can see that adding the constraints and penalties to the problem has a small, but noticeable effect on the solutions. We would expect to see larger difference between the solutions for problems that contain more than five conservation features. You may also wish to explore the add_connectivity_penalties
and add_feature_contiguity_constraints
functions. These functions use additional data on landscape resistance to provide a more accurate parametrization of connectivity and, in turn, deliver more effective solutions.
BC Assessment. (2015). Property Information Services. URL [accessed 13 June 2016].
Morrell, N., Schuster, R., Crombie, M. & Arcese, P. (2017). A Prioritization Tool for the Conservation of Coastal Douglas-fir Forest and Savannah Habitats of the Georgia Basin. The Nature Trust of British Colombia, Coastal Douglas Fir Conservation Partnership, and the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Colombia, URL [accessed 9 October 2017].