Please read the vignette.
Or, after installation, the help page:
#> Create Reports Using R and 'asciidoc'
#> Description:
#> Inspired by Karl Broman`s reader on using 'knitr' with 'asciidoc'
#> (<URL:>),
#> this is merely a wrapper to 'knitr' and 'asciidoc'.
#> Arguments:
#> write_to_disk: Write to disk? See *Warning*.
#> Details:
#> You will find the details in
#> 'vignette("An_Introduction_to_rasciidoc", package = "rasciidoc")'.
#> Warning:
#> Due to the CRAN policy of not writing "anywhere else on the file
#> system apart from the R session's temporary directory", we work on
#> a temporary copy of 'file_name'. Thus all internal sourcing and
#> internal links will be broken and any output is written to
#> 'tempdir()'. Set the option "write_to_disk" to TRUE (using
#> 'options(write_to_disk = TRUE)'
#> to bypass this. You may want to include the above line into your
#> '~/.Rprofile'.
You can install rasciidoc from gitlab via: