version R build status CRAN GitHub package dependency version CRAN Monthly Downloads Lifecycle: stable


The rheroicons packages brings to the Heroicons icon library, developed by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger, as R functions for use in your R-based web projects.

All icons are rendered as inline SVG icons. Therefore, no CSS or JavaScript dependencies are loaded into your Shiny application or other web document at runtime!


Install the stable version from CRAN.


The main branch of this repository and the latest release will always be even with the CRAN release. All development will take place on a new branch, and then merged with main when all tests have passed. New releases may be available prior to CRAN acceptance. If this is the case, you can download the GitHub release using the following command. Please note that release may change if revisions were requested.


Getting Started

Finding Icons

There are over 200 icons in the collection. Each icon has two styles: outline and solid. Icons can be found using the icon gallery.


Click an icon name to copy the R code used to generate the icon. You can paste the R code directly into your Shiny code or other web-based document.

Alternatively, you can use the find_icon function to search for icons.

# returns all icon names

# find icons with `chevron` in the name
rheroicons::find_icons(query = "chevron")

# find icons with `chevron` OR `arrow` in the name
rheroicons::find_icons(query = "chevron|arrow")

# find icons with `down`, `up`, `left`, OR `right` in the name
rheroicons::find_icons(query = "down|up|left|right")

# find icons that end with '_down' using regex
rheroicons::find_icons(query = "(\\_down)$")

Rendering Icons

When you have found the icon that you would like to use, you can render them into your app or web document using the rheroicon function.

# rheroicons version of `document-add`
rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "document_add")

You can use the Heroicons site to find icons. All icons that have a dash (-) in the original name were renamed using underscores (_). This was done to standardize the CSS classes generated by this package.


The rheroicon function takes the following arguments.

Argument Description Options Default
name icon name use find_icon or launch_gallery
type icon style outline or solid outline
class add your own CSS classes NULL

Example use:

    id = "copy",
    class = "btn",
    tags$span("Add to clipboard"),
    rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "clipboard_copy")

Customizing the appearance of icons

Use the argument class to add custom CSS classes to an icon.


# create a button with the `clipboard_copy` icon
    id = "copy",
    class = "btn",
    tags$span("Add to clipboard"),
        name = "clipboard_copy",
        type = "outline", 
        class = "my__ui__icons"

However, you may find it easier to use the predefined classes generated by this package. All icons have three types of CSS classes.

The following table displays the CSS classes by set for the arrow_circle_down icon.

Icon Set Function CSS classes
outline rheroicon(name ="arrow_circle_down", type = "outline") rheroicons rheroicons_outline rheroicons_arrow_circle_down
solid rheroicon(name ="arrow_circle_down", type = "solid") rheroicons rheroicons_solid rheroicons_arrow_circle_down

You can select and style icons through CSS using these classes. Create a new tags$style element and define your styles (or use an external CSS file).


# ui
ui <- tagList(

      # select all instances of rheroicons
      ".rheroicons {
          width: 50px;
          height: 50px;

      # select all outline icons (set color via the stroke property)
      ".rheroicons_outline {
          stroke: green;

      # select solid icons (set color via the fill property)
      ".rheroicons_solid {
          fill: red;

      # select specific icons
      ".rheroicons_home {
          width: 75px;
          height: 75px;

      # select specific icon of a particular style
      ".rheroicons_outline.rheroicons_home {
          stroke: yellow;
  # define UI here
  # ...


The following code demonstrates how to generate icons in Shiny, render solid and outlined icons, and style icons using CSS.

# pkgs

# ui
ui <- tagList(
            ".rheroicons {
                width: 50px;
                height: 50px;
            .rheroicons_arrow_circle_up {
                stroke: blue;
            ".rheroicons_solid {
                fill: red;
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "arrow_circle_down"),
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "arrow_circle_up"),
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "arrow_circle_left"),
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "arrow_circle_right")
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "chart_bar", type = "solid"),
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "chart_bar")
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "home", type = "solid"),
            rheroicons::rheroicon(name = "home")

# server
server <- function(input, output) { }

# app
shinyApp(ui, server)