

There are a number of roclets included:

To use the package in your own package you do not need to add any additional dependencies in your package’s DESCRIPTION file apart from the usual Suggests: testthat that is required for testing with testthat or the Suggests: tinytest that is required for testing with tinytest. (If you only use param_roclet, return_roclet or examples_roclet you do not need to add anything to Suggests.)

  testthat # or tinytest

However, any developer working on your package needs to have roxytest installed to be able to successfully run roxygen2::roxygenise() (or devtools::document()). For this reason you may consider adding roxytest to Suggests, but this is not required.

testthat roclet

Add the following lines to your package’s DESCRIPTION file (along with Suggests: testthat):

Roxygen: list(roclets = c("namespace", "rd", "roxytest::testthat_roclet"))

(Or make appropriate changes to obtain similar results.)

Then run the following:


Similarly for the other roclets.

Multiple roclets

You can of course also add multiple, e.g.:

Roxygen: list(roclets = c("namespace", "rd", 

(Or make appropriate changes to obtain similar results.)

Then run the following:



Below we show based on testthat, but it is the same for tinytest except the output which then happens at inst/tinytest without contest() and testthat() boilerplate.

testthat roclet

As mentioned above, there are two tags available:

Note that both can be used at the same time.

We first demonstrate @tests and afterwards @testexamples.

@testexamples tag

For example, if the file R/functions.R contains this code (from roxytestdemo):

Then roxygen2::roxygenise() will generate (with the testthat_roclet roclet) the file tests/testthat/test-roxytest-testexamples-functions.R with this content:

Note that:

  • \dontrun: Everything including content is removed
  • \donttest: Only the tag itself is removed
  • \dontshow: Only the tag itself is removed

param roclet

To demonstrate the param_roclet roclet assume that this block of documentation exists:

When the package is documented, the following output will be displayed:

Functions with @param inconsistency:
  * Function 'foobar' with title 'Summing two numbers': 
    - Missing @param's: y

Similarly if there are too many documented arguments.

return roclet

To demonstrate the return_roclet roclet assume that this block of documentation exists:

When the package is documented, the following output will be displayed:

Functions with @export but no @return:
  * Function 'foobar2()' with title 'Summing two numbers'

examples roclet

To demonstrate the examples_roclet roclet assume that this block of documentation exists:

When the package is documented, the following output will be displayed:

Functions with @export but no @example(s):
  * Function 'foobar2()' with title 'Summing two numbers'