scCAN is a R software package that can perform unsupervised clustering for single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. scCAN overcomes the excessive noise level from scRNA-seq data by using autoencoders and accurately cluster the cells into correct cell types.
Or, install with manual and vignette: devtools::install_github('bangtran365/scCAN', build_manual = T, build_vignettes = T)
data('SCE'); data <- t(SCE$data); label <- as.character(SCE$cell_type1)
if(max(data)>100) data <- log2(data + 1)
result <- scCAN(data, r.seed = 1)
cluster <- result$cluster
ari <- round(scCAN::adjustedRandIndex(cluster,label), 2)
print(paste0("ARI = ", ari))