# Highlight objects by cursor to show the contained colors
# Change output styles, "ribbon" or "mosaic"
pick_color(type = "r")
# Change the length of the color blocks
pick_color(blank.len = 1)
Pick colors
to print color literals, palettes and ggplot2 objects.#>
#> ------ c red navy pink #E58700 limegreen ------
#> ------ c red navy pink #E58700 limegreen ------
#> red
#> navy
#> pink
#> #E58700
#> limegreen
#> ------ palette rainbow(6) ------
#> ------ palette rainbow(6) ------
#> red
#> yellow
#> green
#> cyan
#> blue
#> magenta
#> ---ggplot object---
#> ---ggplot object---
#> #F8766D
#> #E58700
#> #C99800
#> #A3A500
#> #6BB100
#> #00BA38
#> #00BF7D
#> #00C0AF
#> #00BCD8
#> #00B0F6
#> #619CFF
#> #B983FF
#> #E76BF3
#> #FD61D1
#> #FF67A4